Halika History of Samvara Timeline
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History of Samvara

Covenant Period

1300 DE 0 DE

The Covenant Period is named after the supposed contracts made between priests and gods- the Covenant of Earth and the Covenant of Sky. It was a time of magic, of Gods, of great cities and monuments and growth

  • 1230 DE

    Ascent of Lily Red

    The Ascent of Lily Red marked the creation of Alkoa Druidism and the beginning of the Lunar Pantheon. It also created the formalized religion of Suweskevar- the primordial faith that would split into the organized religions of Halikvar and Pratasam

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  • 1050 DE

    The Halikvar Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    The descendants of Lily of Red, initially led by Garlands of Red, had a more intense and distinct version of the religious code- applying druidic restrictions and law to all non-druids as well. Increasingly marginalized in their own lands, these Halikvar ("family of Halcyon") began a long journey Eastward to their current homeland. This schism led to a divergence in religious paths for the Lily Faiths into Pratasam and Halikvar religions.

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  • 620 DE

    Ascent of Emesh

    Emesh the Explorer was born in modern-day Pritinam (Samvara) and died in modern day Nekiton (Desmia) before ascending to the Lunar Pantheon.

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  • 540 DE

    Ascent of Haru

    The ascent of the Lunar God Haru

  • 539 DE

    Creation of Alchemy
    Scientific achievement

    The discovery of Alchemy by Eriv, son of Nadram, was divinely inspired by Halycon after he was cured by Nadram's journey to distant Ibith.

  • 100 DE

    Official Founding of the Healing Church of Shekota

    The great Healing church, vehicle of alchemical production and expansion, began in the 400s DE among disciples of the first Dhampire Nadram and his son. It took until 100 DE for a solid hierarchy and structure to form among these early alchemists

Crown Period

0 DE 604 ME

The crown period is defined by massive unstable empires, a united Lunar Pantheon, and rising large-scale state institutions

  • 80 ME

    Founding of the Khilaia

    Founding of the great council of Selkies that remains as an institution to this day as a safeguard for the Holy Islands

  • 200 ME

    Founding of Suwirsha

    Suwirsha, otherwise known as Suntower, is the holy city of Aysha. The first ever Solar city, it is the city of blessings and the Lunar God Haru.

  • 240 ME

    300 ME

    Wars of the Five Deserts
    Military action

    A massive conflict between the early empires of Terminar, Empria, Maruva, Shenerem, and Marsham that ended with all of them subjugated by the first Selkie Empire.

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  • 300 ME

    400 ME

    The First Selkie Empire
    Political event

    Kova the Quick, first Empress of All Seas, conquered a vast empire during the War of Five Deserts. She only held that empire from 300 until 305, and the empire began splintering immediately after her death. The monarchy she created was destroyed in 400.

  • 400 ME

    600 ME

    The Great Ghost Boom
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A Global Boom in ghosts as many die in particularly funny or tragic ways

  • 400 ME

    600 ME

    Vetka the Liberator
    Life, Career

    Vetka the Liberator was the greatest of Alkoan Druids in history. Born in Shenerem in 400, they became known as 'The Liberator' for their early hyper-aggressive anti-slavery campaigns. Tragically stranded in Stildane in 465, he gained the magical strength necessary to teleport between Samvara and Stildane in 495. After that, he began a major figure in the Shenek religious tradition and the religion of Uvara in Stildane.

  • 505 ME

    700 ME

    Moxima Sutima
    Life, Career

    Born in Sumaren in 505 and made a Dhampire in 517, Moxima led a rebellion of Dhampiric students against the 'Dark Lord' Dhampire Master of Sumaren in 525. Having defeated one of the greatest dhampires in the region without being hit once, Moxima gathered a grand following and ventured North seeking wisdom. They went on to travel the world, collecting followers and wisdoms. Many religions respect or revere Moxima- most of all Sumoxa, a religion founded on Moxima's wisdom.

The South Star Period

604 ME 1290 ME

Begun by the Star of Daykai- a starmetal meteor South of Samvara- the South star period was a time of great religious formation and violence

  • 605 ME

    The Guiding Star of Daykai
    Geological / environmental event

    A bright violet meteor was spotted South of Samvara, landing in modern-day Kakoru. A freak Starmetal meteor (landing unusually close to civilization due to disease-based depopulation of the area), the Guiding Star of Dakai was seen as a divine sign by many and the dawn of a grand colonial expansion Southwards for the Khilaia

  • 650 ME

    931 ME

    Apprenticeship of Ponder
    Life, Career

    Ponders-the-Mysteries-of-Eternal-Compassion was a solar life cleric of great skill and ambition who apprenticed themselves to the Lunar God Haru. Distinguished as the greatest life cleric to ever practice, Ponder was killed by Milen, Emperor of Selkies, in 931.

  • 700 ME

    Synod of Apotheosis
    Religious event

    The Declaration of the Supreme Goddesshood of the Sun Goddess Aysha, formalizing Ayshanism as its own distinct religion

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  • 750 ME

    Exorcists Guild sets up in Samvara
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Having traveled from Desmia to Izekra and Arvea, the Exorcist's Guild slowly arrived by boat and tropical coastline to Arvea in the mid 700s. Originally from Suneka, this guild works to file anti-ghost paperwork around the world.

  • 900 ME

    Birth of the First Seraja
    Life, Birth

    The beginning of the holy and blessed Seraja bloodline of solars- a dynasty that is liberated from the need to eat and revered by the religions of Ayshanism and Sumoxa. Known for their close relationship with the Lunar God Haru and the Sun Goddess Aysha

  • 901 ME

    931 ME

    The Second Selkie Empire/Campaigns of Milen
    Military action

    The Campaigns of the second great Emperor of All Seas- Milen the Great, greatest admiral in selkie history and greatest battlemaster fighter of all time. The second empire never took root and ended with his death in battle in 931

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  • 980 ME

    1200 ME

    The Great Ayshan Invasions
    Military action

    Three of Ponder's apprentices, following his death, organized their own plans for vengeance or remembrance- to expand Ayshanism and push back the aggressive non-believers. In 980, their conspiracy was found out and they all launched their own plans independently- one led an army to Nadram to create a grand Ayshan empire, one led a great number of missionaries to evangelize Ayshanism in the South, and one led a group of assassins South to wreak havoc on Selkie-associated empires.

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  • 1000 ME

    1100 ME

    The Great Leviathan Rampage of the North
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A group of leviathans all began rampaging across Northern Samvara at once from 1000 to 1100. One of the few examples of leviathans working together, they required focused effort from Aysha, Haru, the Khilaia, Keshet, Najevir and other states to contain and destroy.

  • 1105 ME

    Equinox Synod
    Religious event

    The Equinox Synod gathered together priests and devout princes of the Shenek branch of Pratasam faith. Always having been theologically very distinct (and basically their own religion), they formally declared and organized their own faith under the guidance of Heirophant Ishiva I. This new faith is now known as Aretism or Areto

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  • 1290 ME

    The Heart Star of Halcyon
    Era beginning/end

    The Heart star of Halcyon was a starmetal meteor that was spotted landing in the uninhabited Shekotan desert at the heart of Samvara. It was seen as an omen for a new age- thought then to be an age of healing.

The Heart Star Period

1290 ME 1820 ME

The Heart Star Period is marked by the arrival of a second starmetal meteor- this time in the largely uninhabited central Shekotan desert. Associated with war, division, and destruction, the Heart Star period is often looked back as a time of fear and despair- notably for its unrelenting volcanic activity. After 20 years without an earthquake of eruption in 1820, the heart star period was declared to have ended

  • 1290 ME

    The Heart Star of Halcyon
    Era beginning/end

    The Heart star of Halcyon was a starmetal meteor that was spotted landing in the uninhabited Shekotan desert at the heart of Samvara. It was seen as an omen for a new age- thought then to be an age of healing.

  • 1400 ME

    1800 ME

    The Trials of Earth and Terror
    Geological / environmental event

    Earthquakes and volcanic activity in Samvara spiked repeatedly for a period of 400 years. Individual lists of earthquakes or eruptions would clutter up this period- there were many, and the devastation they unleashed was great. The underground Kiman settlements were under particular stress at this time, and many Kima-based states collapsed.

  • 1400 ME

    The Infinite Revelations of Sumoxa
    Religious event

    The Great Prophet Virtue Seraja experienced a great series of revelations in the desert south of Shekota revealing the true nature of the universe and inspiring the religion of Sumoxa

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  • 1580 ME

    Veshita's Attack on The Holy Islands
    Military action

    The infamous desperate maneuver of Veshita of Arashoka- a human warlord who sought to forge her own Selkie empire even as a human- marking the first time a person managed to elude the grasp of the immortal Kailio.

  • 1700 ME

    1945 ME

    Halikvari Wars of Religion
    Military action

    After centuries of forced cooperation invading Desmia, the two sects of the Halikvar religion finally descended into a brutal religious war for dominance.