Topin Character in Halika | World Anvil
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Topin is a former Guardian of Hokzin, an orphaned child raised as a soldier of the faith. As a companion of Kipilu of Tezitkal, Topin has left the army - but not the faith. He is a bright-eyed idealist with an unflinching faith in the Suneka. With guns and steel, he fights as a warrior for his friends and for all that is right. However, his education was rather oriented towards obedience, and he is still mastering some critical thinking skills.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Topin's history so far is fairly direct: he was one of the first friends Kipilu of Tezitkal made as a child. Kipilu and Topin played hoop-and-stick together and danced as children, and were quite close until they were sent into separate disciplines as pre-teens. Kipilu became a Keeper of Olkum, while Topin became a Holkaran warrior recruit. For most of the next decade, Topin was indoctrinated and taught how to kill - but he maintained his jovial attitude all the while. His unflinching righteousness covered the sharpness of his new disregard for violence.    Since leaving the Suneka, Topin has stayed true to his beliefs and his values - he preaches the Suneka as a solution whenever he can, and tries to act as a moral anchor. He has also worked to try and make some kind of bond with Imora.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2000 ME 20 Years old
Soft brown eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown-black fur
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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