The Masked One Automata Character in Halika | World Anvil
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The Masked One Automata

When The Masked One left this world some 2000 years ago, they left behind an automated stand-in to judge the dead in their place. This Automata is in charge of handling Tragedy Magic, Comedy Magic, Curse Magic, and Ghosts - judging what is funny, what is sad, and what warrants magic. It is this automata that appears at death; it is also this creature that weighs in on the consequences of Wish spells.   While the Automata was originally just an automated system without any sentience of its own, it has since grown into a fledgling individual. It was always a complex algorithm of sorts - it had to be, to judge the humor or tragedy of things, and to assign proper emotional costs to magical acts. It was the fringe cases that took the mind to the next level: deaths of sadness-comedy, people seeking to game systems, questionable cases of intent and context. These cases not only required the Automata to learn social context and behavior, but intermixed the personalities - funny, sad, mad, and other all began sharing information and action. The resulting person has been stitched-together and lacks many mental traits associated with a human person: it is relatively anti-social and lacks an understanding of the meaning of death or pain.    This dangerous and powerful creature is still shackled by the limits of its programming - though it is always plotting and planning new ways to escape its limitations.
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