Irunek Rank/Title in Halika | World Anvil
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Irunek, in old the ancient language of Kobolds, means "The Blessed Awakening One", but it has come to mean something more in Stildanian religion. The Irunek is a harbinger of eternal bliss, an apocalyptic messiah that will deliver the good from pain and suffering. The idea that evil is temporary and will be expunged from the world by a divine savior is an appealing one, and the idea of the Irunek has spread far beyond its original Kobold context.


In Kivish tradition, the Irunek will be known by their ability to manipulate reality- control of Ederstone, magical powers, immaculate wisdom and knowledge   In Uvaran tradition, the Irunek will be marked by their lack of need- from food, water, air, and the like. They will also be untouched by Ederstone, magic, and even death itself.
Religious, Special
Equates to
Messiah, Saoshyant, Chosen One
Source of Authority
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