Fire Termites Species in Halika | World Anvil
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Fire Termites

Termite mounds unlike any other dot the plains of Tolzel. They look like towers of melting wax, but crafted from brown clay. They reach up to ten feet in the air, with the tallest of them tipped in burning flame like a lit candle. Periodically one of these lit candle-mounds will explode dramatically, flinging liquid fire across the dry plains and detonating the mounds nearby. A termite fire starting can sound like a thunderstorm, or massive thundering footsteps. The people of Garadel know it as the sound of destruction, as these fires can sweep the plains like lightning. These are the mounds of fire termites- a magical creature created by Halycon that both terrify and enrich the peoples of Northwest Garadel.    Fire termite mounds being towers filled with explosive liquid in a tinderbox biome is obviously a source of danger, but the little bugs can be just as dangerous. Each little termite is a tiny firebomb- not dangerous enough to cause realm harm individually, but capable of igniting large creatures easily in groups.    Why would these creatures ever be valuable? Well, they have a variety of uses. If killed without triggering their tiny detonation, they form spicy but nutritious treats. If ground up into a paste or formed into a gel or liquid, it these termites also form an easily-ignitable (though edible) explosive. Pearl Pangolins who eat fire termites get the best of both worlds: immediately after eating fire termites or products containing their gel, pangolins can breath jets of intensely hot fire at targets up to 15 feet away. Lastly, fire termites serve as an alternative food source for Dragomanders, allowing them to be bred and kept in non-volcanic locations.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Fire termites require large open spaces and lots of long grass to build their colonies, and often prefer slightly warmer climates. If introduced to colder or shadier climates, they will naturally seek out warmer and more sun-exposed areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fire Termites primarily consume the fungus grown inside the candle-mounds, but can also eat dead grass and decaying biological matter.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most fire termites live in Northwestern Garadel in the plains and chaparral coast of Tolzel. They have since spread into Larazel's plains, though in much small numbers. Small numbers of queens have been exported around the world, where they are carefully bred and harvested for their fire oil and for Dragomander feeding.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Fire fungus, or fire termite fungus, is a unique symbiotic species present only in fire termite colonies. Fire termite mounds serve as incubators and protective structures for the fungus, which the termites feed with detritus (almost like a little walled farm or garden). The termites that eat this fungus gain the ability to act like tiny explosives, which they use to protect themselves. When the colony reaches its largest size (around 8 to 10 feet tall), catches alight, and eventually explodes, the smoke and explosion carry tiny packages of fungus spores and termite sperm packets. These then latch onto young queen termites to allow them to build new colonies.
1-2 years
Average Length
0.5 inches long
Geographic Distribution

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