Dailio Character in Halika | World Anvil
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Dailio Pahawama

Dailio is a childhood friend of Makar Mesaba and a novice merchant. He is a young, friendly, and rather naive man - well versed in negotiation and trading theory, but not experienced in rogueish activities or violence. He has had to learn the art of lying to help with the party's investigations, but business remains his primary skillset.   Dailio, like Ezia Mahabatu, is on the line between companion and friend - he has basic sword skills and has social skills, but is not exactly a professional adventurer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dailio was born to the Pahawama family, a large selkie clan that has members in most of the selkie admiralties of the Empire of Zerua. The Pahawamas are a family with more members than coin - while not unrespectable, the clan sometimes struggles to support their wayward members. Dailio was therefore raised halfway between a port-selkie and a ship-selkie; it was made clear to him that the future was not secure, and he would need to make his own name for himself. Dailio developed a chipper front-facing charisma, a kind of disarming idealism that could keep him safe and open doors. His parents encouraged this, both for his career and his happiness.    It was this curious idealism that led to him meeting Makar and Ezia Mahabatu in a bookstore in the Etekamo admiralty. He had been working with the bookstore in a brief apprenticeship, and was overjoyed to meet people his age who were interested in the wider world. When Makar went into court, Dailio set his sights higher than book peddler: he started to pester his clan and Admiralty for etiquette training, the sorts of things he would need to interact with court. It was here that he learned the economic theories of Orchid of Blue, and began to master elite business rhetoric.    After leaving with Makar and Ezia on their grand odyssey, Dailio began mastering sailing and deception - skills he would need to help their investigations. He and Ezia drew particularly close, with Dailio effectively appointing himself Ezia's social face so she wouldn't have to deal with social anxiety. Eventually, Dailio and Ezia separated - Ezia to join Makar, Dailio to sail onwards to the Khilaian Isles to prepare the way for the Gods.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
2000 ME 20 Years old
Short straight black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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