Unwilling Wood Spell in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Unwilling Wood

A caster can transform one or more living creatures within a 10-yard radius into unwilling wood, causing them to sprout roots, branches, and leaves. The victims become trees of a type native to the region and of the characters' age before the transformation. The spell works only if cast on beings occupying ground that could support a tree; recipients flying or suspended in water at the time of casting remain unaffected.

This spell can mutate a number of creatures equal in total Hit Dice (or levels) to the caster's level within the area of effect, of course. If this area holds a group of creatures with Hit Dice (or levels) totaling a number greater than the caster's experience level, the character may decide the order in which the creatures become affected.

For instance, say a 14th-level druid casts unwilling wood into a target area containing a giant with 12 Hit Dice and two 3rd-level warriors. The druid can transform either the giant or two warriors, but not all three. "Leftover" Hit Dice or levels are lost.

Each creature affected may attempt to save vs. polymorph. The spell mutates all those failing their saving throw, along with any items they carry. A new tree has a height of 5 feet per level (or Hit Die) of the victim. The effect is permanent; a person transformed into a tree ages as a tree and dies as a tree. However, affected characters retain awareness, memories, personality, and intelligence. Only damage severe enough to kill the tree can kill an unwilling wood victim.

Tree-characters can return to normal if a spellcaster of greater level than the original caster uses remove curse. The original caster can release a transformed entity at will.

[Complete Druid's Handbook]


Sphere: Plant
Level: 7
Range: 5 yards/level of caster
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-yard radius
Saving Throw: Special
Material Components: a bit of tree root (consumed) and the priest's holy symbol (not consumed)


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