Rose Crown LLC Organization in Graves of the Departed Empire | World Anvil

Rose Crown LLC

A popular mercenary group, run entirely by M's, the Circle of Roses can be found on every world and most outposts.
  Their reputation is well earned, and their name (and any endorsement they may give) is a mark of quality in the field of mercenary contracts. Principled, efficient, and not know for cheating their clients. Then again, you might argue that the prices they charge are cheating enough.
  While they are skilled, that is undeniable, they are perhaps more famous for their treatment of their employees. As mentioned earlier, the company is entirely run by M's. While not unheard of, it's rare to not have some Organics within the leadership, especially at the higher levels. Rose Crown goes a step further, protecting their contractors and their families from those that would take advantage of M's.
  Groups of "hardware wholesalers", read that as M slavers, loath the mark of Rose Crown (leading to many slaves being left sleeveless or shirtless, even in conditions that leave them imperiled to exposure) as it means they either have to abandon hard won merchandise, or disappear right that instant. Otherwise, they will have to prepare for a hell of a fight.
  As you'd expect, many M's flock to Rose Crown's door, seeking some sort of employment. They can't hire them all, but such prospects give them the numbers they need to continually expand.

Cover image: by Alegria,


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