Graeton Peninsula
The peninsula of Graeton is where most of our story is set. It has a heavy Greek theme, mimicing many of the same cities found in Ancient Greece. Countries and City-States have risen and fallen through the millennia with four currently occupying the peninsula and two as Island-States.
The peninsula of Graeton is marked by a strong line of mountains running north to south, growing smaller the further south it gets. Plains and forests spring up from the root like structure of the mountain range, sprouting many rivers. Four major countries split it up along river and impassable mountain peaks. The peninsula sticks out into a body of water known simply as The Bay. This bay is the large body of water between the larger continent and a smaller one directly south that looks to have broken away in previous eons.
Fauna & Flora
The forests of Graeton are deciduous and lush, even into the mountains while the plains are filled with tall, untamed grasses. The several deserts have no known natural cause, and are home only to the most hardy or industrious that know how to mine their resources.
Natural Resources
Northern Stoumari is home to some of the best farmlands in Graeton. Sheep and Pigs are raised and sent to markets all over the peninsula.
To the south, the deserts of Stoumari are home to the finest sands used in glass making as well as a crevice that has exposed iron ore. Moving south into Cestor, the hills are rich in the highest quality marble of anywhere within shipping distances. The ample forests and plains of Cestor feed the ever growing need for building resources for the booming cities and towns. As we swing to the western side of the peninsula, Tralleon forests feed it's booming shipwright trade. Their boats are the best on the mainland where resources are plentiful. The split between Tralleon and Drosini finds yet another desert. This one is harsh and inhospitable save for a single large oasis near centrally located.
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