Prince Eli Voronov Character in Golarion | World Anvil

Prince Eli Voronov

(a.k.a. Doomlord)

Prince Eli Voronov, the ruler of the city-state of Salisgrad in the River Kingdoms, was once a promising wizard known as Eli Salis. He was born into a family of accomplished arcane practitioners and would spiral into the depths of forbidden knowledge and malevolence that would mark his name in infamy.

Physical Description

Body Features

Prince Eli Voronov's demonic hands are his most notable features. Their power has augmented his magic, his mind, and his body. Eli's aging has slowed to the point where he looks to be a man half his age. Often, when seen with his son Thexan, the two appear to be brothers rather than father and son.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Years

As a young prince in the city-state of Dravograd, Eli showed an early aptitude for magic, displaying a keen intellect that surpassed his peers. Eli was destined for greatness in a prestigious family of wizards known for their contributions to the magical arts. His father, King Werner Salis, was an accomplished arcane healer in his own right. His mother, Cynthia Salis, was a practitioner of the old ways, a druid who communed with the spirits of the river and land.   In 4661 AR, Cynthia was executed under suspicion of witchcraft by a rival warlord who sought to claim Dravograd. Werner was imprisoned and tortured, inflicted with some mysterious curse that consumed him. Eli watched as his father's body decayed while remaining alive. He was placed in a cage in the center of Dravograd, his tortured moans of agony echoing through the streets as a warning against any who might stand against the warlord. Eli hid in the sewers for days while the warlord searched for him. One day, Eli heard his father fall silent. He arrived at the square in time to see his remains being shoveled into a trash bin. Driven by grief and anger, Eli fled Dravograd and promised to reclaim and protect his land against threats such as the one that had deposed his family from their throne.

Discovery of the Shadow Archive

Eil's quest for power and vengeance led him to a forbidden ruin, a remnant of the ancient cyclopean empire deep in the River Kingdoms' interior, where he discovered lost magics and technologies far beyond the current age. He opened a portal deep within the ruin that led him to the elusive Shadow Archive, a hidden repository of dark secrets and ancient grimoires accessible only through secret portals scattered across the multiverse. The Umbral Custodians, spectral guardians bound to the archive, watched as Eli navigated its labyrinthine corridors and uncovered the malevolent Tome of the Black Heart.  

The Forbidden Pact

Driven by a thirst for power and vengeance that surpassed reason, Eli delved into the Tome of the Black Heart's pages, a sinister grimoire shrouded in dark secrets and whispered forbidden knowledge. Eli Salis' relentless quest for this elusive artifact became an obsession that consumed him, leading him down a path of dark rituals and demonic pacts.   Legend spoke of the tome's power to unlock unimaginable abilities and reshape the very fabric of reality. However, the price for such power was steep, and Eli paid it dearly. Upon finally discovering the accursed book, its malevolent pages revealed the ritual to summon Malgrim, the Shadowbound—a demon lord bound by ancient, infernal chains to the will of the one who held the Tome of the Black Heart.   As Eli enacted the ritual, the very essence of the abyssal plane responded to his call, and Malgrim emerged in a maelstrom of shadows and dark energy. The power of the ritual was far more than Eli expected, and the abyssal energies began to consume him. Through force of will, Eli managed to save himself, but at the cost of his hands. The demon, bound by the ancient pact inscribed in the tome, was compelled to obey Eli's commands. In a desperate bid to regain what he had lost, Eli instructed Malgrim to graft his own demon hands onto Eli's mutilated stumps.   The ritual that followed was a macabre dance of dark magic that forever changed Eli. The demonic hands fused seamlessly with his flesh, pulsating with the corrupting energy of the abyss. As the pact was sealed, the Shadowbound became bound to the Tome of the Black Heart, forever enslaved to the will of Eli Salis, now Eli Voronov.  

Reclaiming the Throne

Empowered by the abyss, Eli returned to Dravograd and staged his own bloody coup. His vengeance was absolute, and Prince Eli Voronov regained his family's throne in short order. He renamed the city-state "Salisgrad" in honor of his family name. From there, Prince Eli began the fortification of his city-state. His control would be absolute. No one would take his city or his people from him ever again.


Family Ties

Prince Eil Voronov has two children:
  • Thexan is his oldest son. He is Chief Artificer of the royal court, and is the only person the prince places any trust into.
  • Arcaan is a half-orc resulting from an affair between the prince's wife and one of their half-orc servant. The prince's wife was said to have perished due to complications during childbirth. Arcaan and Thexan were close, but the prince wanted nothing to do with the child. Thexan and various servants raised the boy, although Prince Eli ensured that Arcaan and Thexan received the best training and education. Arcaan now lives far from Dravograd and has no connections with his father or brother.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince Eli is also addressed as "Doomlord" Eli Voronov, mostly in diplomatic interactions.
Year of Birth
4650 75 Years old
Ruled Locations