Avistan Geographic Location in Golarion (Varisia) | World Anvil


Avistan is a continent on the world of Golarion. One of the most heavily-settled areas on the planet, Avistan possesses as many varied cultures and environments as any other continent in the world and an ancient history stretching back tens of thousands of years. The continent is home to once-great empires like Cheliax and Taldor, rising powers like Andoran and Molthune, and the ancient ruins of Thassilon in the wild frontier of Varisia.   Together with the northernmost third of Garund, Avistan constitutes the Inner Sea region. An inhabitant of Avistan is known as an Avistani.   Inhabitants
Avistan is home to a vast, diverse population of humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, orcs, goblins, and countless other races. Among humans, the Kellid, Shoanti, Ulfen, and Varisian ethnic groups originated in Avistan, while the Chelaxian and Taldan peoples are descended from Azlanti settlers and refugees who came to the continent ages ago.   In the north, superstition and barbarism holds sway, such as the Ulfen barbarians of Irrisen and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, the Kellids of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, and the orcs of the Hold of Belkzen. Further south, toward the Inner Sea, the lands are more civilized and magic is more widely accepted, as in the centuries-old empires of Cheliax and Taldor.
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