Akadi Character in Godai | World Anvil


Akadi, the Titan of Air, the windborn, the Great Tempest and Storm to Come. Is vengeance and took to the destruction of all the divine peoples during the Dawn War with an sense of purpose and dedication. She is the Judge, Jury and Executioner of the Titans. She didn't feel any of the warriors of the Divine deserved to be locked away in the Vaneguard Moon and all should have been banished beyond the barrier or outright killed at the end of the war.    
  She is mostly depicted as a dreadful storm of death and destruction, but occasionally in ancient paints and sculptures, she is shown as pure white Tengu female, wielding a Longsword in one hand and a lightning bolt in the other.

Divine Domains

War, Death, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lightning bolt laid across a Sword.

Tenets of Faith

Honour and Duty to your family and kingdom above all. Punish wrongdoers and allow none to escape your wrath.
Divine Classification
Elemental Titan


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