Vangol Kuskolt Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Vangol Kuskolt

Vangol Kuskolt is a male dwarf in Leilon and a priest of Tyr, the god of justice. He is the caretaker of the Leilon Shrine of Tyr, and he also serves the Leilon Town Council as its lawmaster.

Physical Description

Body Features

Vangol is missing one leg below the knee, and in its place he wears an iron peg leg.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Lawmaster, Leilon

Caretaker, Leilon Shrine of Tyr


Social Aptitude

Vangol has a fiery personality. When resolving legal disputes in Leilon, he is know to have heated his iron peg leg over a fire and branded criminals on their chest before banishing them.

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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