Bereaved Harridan Vehicle in Glüm | World Anvil

Bereaved Harridan

The Bereaved Harridan was a square-rigged two-masted Noraddem caravel, captained by Liena Bellizzi before it ran aground in 217 BE in the Kiol Downs, becoming the Bereaved Harridan Shipwreck. It is currently unseaworthy, due to significant dry rot and a punctured hull.

The Journal of Spira Gafà, First Mate

The following is an exerpt from the journal of Spira Gafà, the First Mate of the Harridan. This record was written in 217 BE, or 946 of the Imperial Calendar.
Reapday, 23rd of Flame's End: Captain Bellizzi found what she was looking for in Port Mesëm. It is a map of some sort, though she will not let me see it. After I asked a third time, she sent me from her chambers and consigned me to sleep in the stern cabin once more. The crew is restless.   Sowday, 24th of Flame's End: The seas grow unseasonably choppy, though the Captain refuses to stop in Goja before heading into the Grykë Strait. Bastjan pleaded with the Captain, invoking the wrath of Lord Rudderless should we not stop and pay homage, but Liena refused. She seems unwell, but will not let me tend to her.   Marketday, 25th of Flame's End: We have been turned about somehow; the Grykë is usually easily navigable at this time of year, but a terrible fog has swept over us, and wrapped us in confusion. The stars suggest we ended our day further south than we started, though the wind would require us to tack several times to do so. The Captain has ordered us to sail through the night. The crew are nervous, and I have heard the first whispers of doubt towards her leadership. I fear mutiny or worse.   Glimday, 26th of Flame's End: Sorin's Pearl is gone, and we have run aground somewhere east of Jhesu Island. The Harridan is deep within the sands of Gol-Kasha, somehow. Such a beaching should not be possible here. I have ordered the crew to begin digging the ship out, but doing so seems to make it sink further in. The Captain refuses to let the crew leave the beach to find help elsewhere. Many are talking of abandoning ship, regardless.   Restday, 29th of Flame's End: We are nearing the end of our supplies, as those we took on in Mesëm have already spoiled. The crew are hungry and thirsty, reporting the Dvor to be saltwater despite knowledge to the contrary. I must admit, even though I have drunk from it many times in the past, the taste is unmistakable: something is wrong. Lord Rudderless has forsaken us. A day ago the Captain executed Carmelo for mutiny when he jumped overboard to look for supplies on the beach. He was shot through the skull and buried in the sands. I managed to hide some of our supplies in the grave away from the rest of the crew in case this madness lasts much longer.   Reapday, 30th of Flame's End: Captain Bellizzi won't stop staring at her map, and refuses to eat the rations I hid from the crew for her. She is weak and sick. I have taken the map from her, and locked her aftcastle to protect her from the crew. She needs her rest. I have sent some of the crew to gather food from the local area, though they did not return.   Sowday, 1st of Death's Dawn: The killing has begun. Gwakkin, Lorenza, and Clara got into a fight over a game of cards. The rest of the crew went rabid. I have locked my door from the inside. The map must have answers to our plight; why else would my Beloved be so fixated on it? I will save us.
Creation Date
253 BE
Destruction Date
217 BE
Current location
9m (30ft)
26m (85ft)
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
60 tons


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