Zinicean Reaper Species in Glenerene | World Anvil

Zinicean Reaper

Zinicean Reapers are seen as ill omens in many parts of Glenerene, considered as symbols of death, decay, and misfortune. This is due in part to their common nature as familiars for Necromancers as well as their deathly appearance.

Basic Information


The Reaper as they are commonly called is a very strange avian, while at a quick glance it seems no different than any of it's other skybound compatriots, at a second glass one will notice the featherless skull-like appearance of it's head. It's feet resemble a skeleton more than a living being, made up of thin pale bones much like it's head appearing to be held together by visible tendons though only a few. It also has bone like spurs protruding from it's wings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unlike most birds the Zinicean Reapers mate for life, returning to their chosen partner during their breeding season every year. In addition they typically only lay one or two eggs at a time that they incubate for three weeks before hatching. They also tend to stay with their offspring for up to five years.

Growth Rate & Stages


After hatching the baby Reaper is covered in a semi-hard bone armor that it will lose over time. It's thought this is to protect it from being an easy meal for predetors while it's flock is out hunting, this also limits movement however.  


This occurs about a week after hatching when the armor starts to chip away from the Reaper's legs allowing for more movement and independence.  


Another three weeks after the start of the nestling phase at this point the Reaper's legs are free from the tough armor that made movement hard. At this stage the armor begins to chip free of the Reaper's wings as well.  


After a period of three more weeks the chick has freed it's wings and begun to learn how to fly. At this point the Armor remaining begins to chip away rapidly.  


Four weeks after Fledging is achieved the Reaper enters this stage. It is free of the armor entirely and has learned to fly, now it is time to learn to hunt with the flock.  


This stage is somewhat debated by scholars as to when it occurs, with some saying it is the moment the juvenile Reaper makes it's first fully successful hunt, other saying it occurs when they enter their first breeding cycle, and still more saying that it occurs after the five year period when a Reaper finally leaves it's parent's flock for good.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carrion berds primarily however when there is nothing to pick clean they do hunt small animals like rodents, bugs, smaller birds, ect.

Biological Cycle

The Zinicean Reapers is a transient bird that goes where there is prey, they often follow the movements of Necromancers or large hunting expidetions. Due to this they have no set behavior relating to the seasons out side of their breeding cycles.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Zinicean Reaper can be found in most corners of Glenerene though are not incredibly common on the continent of Aubren only being found in small populations.

Average Intelligence

They are incredibly intelligent birds which has led to them being used as favored familiars for those who practice Necromancy and the darker arts of magic.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have an incredibly good sense of smell that allows them to hunt and smell prey up to twelve miles away. They also have keen eyesight that allows them to see in the dark as well as up to two miles away.
by MykolaVoid (EtherianWorkshop) on NightCafe
20 Years
Average Height
2.5 ft
Average Weight
25 lbs
Average Length
2 ft. with a wingspan of 8.5 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are primarily red in coloration most of their feathers resembling dried blood however they do have grey patches of feathers on their legs and undersides. In addition their heads and their feet are pale and colored like clean bone.


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