Phegno Parasite Species in Glenerene | World Anvil

Phegno Parasite

Phegno Parasiites are incredibly large insects that feed on the blood of large animals and people. As they are a swarming creature they are considered very dangerous and troublesome creatures. They are native to The Shadowed Barrens of Reakea. Their bites often cause disease and injury due to their size and their main source of food being sturdy creatures such as the Shithious.

Basic Information


They resemble a mixture of the average mosquito and wasp. Having the head and dual wings of a wasp as well as a stinger they use to latch onto their prey. They rest of their bodies however are like that of a mosquito. They grow to sizes of roughly a 5 inches long and their proboscis is made for puncturing the tough hides of the creatures native to it's habitat.

Genetics and Reproduction

They lay up to a hundred eggs at a time depositing them in bodies of water and leaving them to nature.

Growth Rate & Stages

They have four life stages, Egg, Larva, Pupa, and Adult and take roughly 3 weeks to mature into the adult stage.  


Eggs are deposited in water where they are left to develop and mature until hatching. The eggs only hatch once submerged fully in the water, which happens typically only during the rainy seasons in the Barrens.  


Once they have hatched the larva are aquatic creatures and will live in this state for about a week feeding on microorganisms in the water.   


During this stage the larva begin to develop into a full adult and will only emerge once they are finished with the metamorphosis. This process takes roughly another week.  


This is the fully grown and matured stage in which they leave the water and form swarms.

Ecology and Habitats

The ideal habitat for the phegno parasite, despite their requirement of water for breeding, is a dry arid land with large creatures to feed from. They typically set up hives in caves or mounds in abandoned burrows of umber-eyed guno.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their favorite source of food is the Shithious as their large size means that several parasites can feed at once.


They are a swarming creature typically living in groups of 30 or more and are often lethal for that fact. They tend to take turns drinking their fill after covering as much of their prey as they can often leaving the victim paralyzed due to the numbing toxin present in their stingers.
by MykolaVoid (EtherianWorkshop) on NightCafe
2 Years
Average Length
5 Inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are brown and black in coloration with orange wings.


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