Kopal Cattle Species in Glenerene | World Anvil

Kopal Cattle

Kopal cattle are one of the most common breeds of cows to find in Glenerene. They are an incredibly hearty breed capable of adapting to most biomes. Which makes them a highly sought after breed for ranches across the world.

Basic Information


The kopal breed are notable for their large size, long hair and branched horns. They grow to be roughly 6 feet 7 inches at the shoulder and weigh upwards of 3500 pounds. Their long long hair is surprisingly soft, thick, and strong often collected and used for weaving and turned into fabrics and thread. Another notable feature is that their horns behave similarly to antlers branching off with more points the larger they get and older.

Genetics and Reproduction

Their breeding season is in late fall early winter, gestation lasts about 9 months and results in a single calf.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Kopal cow is usually weaned off of milk by 9 weeks old but does not reach maturity until two years. Maturity is considered the age of being albe to reproduce.


Kopal cows are rather docile creatures and tend to be rather cool-headed. They don't spook easily and can be especially feirce the few times they are. Their herd mentality is strong as well with a Kopal being unlikely to break ranks of wander far from the others which often dissuades predators.
by MykolaVoid (EtherianWorkshop) on NightCafe
25 years
Average Height
6 feet 7 inches
Average Weight
3500 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark browns and blacks


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