Girto Species in Glenerene | World Anvil


The Girto is a large predatory lizard that lives in the Akos Canyons region of Reakea. They are most known for their loud echoing roar and their relentless hunting habits.

Basic Information


Girto are large lizards gorwing to be approximately 10 feet long and 5 feet tall. They can range in weight from 150 to 300 pounds and are built for both strength and speed. Their most notable feature however is the enormous leathery fin on the backs of their necks which stands an additional 3 to 4 feet tall when they are angered or scared. In addition they have smaller spiked fins on their tails. Their torsos are covered in a thick rugged fur where as the rest of them is covered in thick leathery scales.   Another interesting feature of the girto is that they have large venomous fangs, though their venom itself is not lethal to most people. It serves more as a tracking method for their prey that might escape their immediate death. The girto can track the scent of their unique venom from up to 5 miles away, and often use this as a way to track and kill their weakened prey at a later time

Genetics and Reproduction

The Girto have the ability to reproduce asexually if there are no males though this is a rare phenomena. Their mating period occurs in late summer and results in a female laying up to 30 eggs that she then buries in the ground.

Growth Rate & Stages

Eggs take roughly 8 months to hatch after which the girto young live in trees or caves higher up the canyon walls to avoid predators including their own kind. They take roughly 10 years to fully mature and can live up to 35 years on average.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The young feed on small prey such as rodents, birds,m and insects, Whereas adults are known to feed on larger prey including travlers and the Shadow Kronae being that they are strictly carnivorous and very agile and able predators.


The girto are strange predators in the way that with larger and stronger prey they are willing to play a long game. They infect bigger and more dangerous opponents with their venom and then track them, sometimes for days, before killing and eating their weakened prey.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Only found in the Akos Canyons region of Reakea.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sense of smell is incredible able to detect prey up to a mile away without the use of their venom and 5 miles if they have bitten it. In addition they have very good eyesight able to detect the slightest movement around them. Their hearing however is almost nonexistent.
by MykolaVoid (EtherianWorkshop) on NightCafe
35 Years
Average Height
5 Feet
Average Weight
150 to 300 pounds
Average Length
10 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brightly colored red fur and scales with yello along their backs. The webbing of their fins is a bright blue color where as the bone is covered in the same red leather as their scales.
Geographic Distribution


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