Burrowing Gretter Species in Glenerene | World Anvil

Burrowing Gretter

The Burrowing Gretter is a prey animal native to the Akos Canyons region of Reakea. While their poulation numbers are high they are a rather rare sight for those who travel to the canyons as they are very quick on their feet and spend most of their time underground.

Basic Information


Burrowing Gretter are relatively large rodents at about 25 inches long and weight about 15 pounds. They appear to be relatively chubby with large manes and short stubby tails. As they are burrowing rodents they have long strong claws on their hands and strong back legs for digging and pushing them through their caves and burrows. Their fur is thick and surprisingly soft.

Genetics and Reproduction

Burrowing Gretters are capable of having up to four litters in a year depending on their enviormental requirements such as parcipitation. Their gestation period is roughly 63 days long and they typically have three to seven pups per litter.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pups are kept safe in the burrows for the first 16 days of their lives and begin foraging with the pack at 24 days. They are not considered fully mature however until around three years old.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are primarily insectivores though they are capable of eating small reptiles, birds, eggs, seeds and fruit when available.


They are burrowing pack animals that tend to form large colonies that help each other survive in the harsh conditions of their habitat. Despite this not much more is known about the elusive animal as it is hard to locate their colonies due to the rareity of seeing them at all as well as how deep they dig.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are native to the Akos Canyons region of Reakea.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyes are small and beady meant more for seeing in the dark tunnels they dig than for above ground conditions making them somewhat easy prey when they come out of hiding. However their ability to hear and sense vibrations somewhat negates that and allows them to have a chance of survival.
by MykolaVoid (EtherianWorkshop) on NightCafe
15 Years
Average Weight
15 Pounds
Average Length
25 Inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Muddy brown fur with some red and yellow around their faces and manes.
Geographic Distribution


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