Sumala Volos Character in Glass Immortals | World Anvil

Sumala Volos


Sumala Volos, also known as Professor Volos, is a scientist and engineer who writes many books on the subject of material sciences. She is the author of Taming Nature: The Future of Modern Architecture. She is also a Yuglid, whose formal name amongst them is the Thinking One. Amongst her own kind, she is considered dispassionate and distant. She also has a powerful sister.   STORY   Thessa Foleer finds a copy of Professor Volos' book Taming Nature: The Future of Modern Architecture, which includes schematics for intercepting lightning through the use of cables and grounding rods.   After Kissandra Vorcien and Baby Montego kill everyone at the Zorlian Family, Professor Volos visits the grounds, following the taste of death, anger, decay, and eons. Seeing the mansion in ruins, she reminisces about her time spent there with the Zorlian guild-family, though she remembers them without fondness, believing they deserved all their misfortune, yet her connection to the Zorlians remains a mystery. Inside the mansion, she finds the severely wounded Kizzie and Baby and intends to take them away to give them medical treatment, though Aristanes stops her. They discuss his intention to take vengeance against humanity who usurped their world, and she suggests he assimilate and find a hobby instead, like stamp collecting. After he threatens her for interfering, she claims that her disappearance would prompt her sister to investigate, which might set back his plans for centuries. After Aristanes leaves, Professor Volos takes Kizzie and Baby away for surgery, undeterred by the fact that Kizzie now knows her identity as a Yuglid.