Council Hall

The Council Hall Building stirs up feelings of hope, fear, curiosity, and anger among the various Saltmarsh community members. Children are enthralled by the loose noose strings on the west side of the building which smugglers look upon with discreet apprehension. As the only government building in Saltmarsh, the building serves as a gathering for weekly council meetings, royal decrees, holiday celebrations, and the occasional execution. The weather-beaten iron bell on the east side of the building can officially be rung by anyone but the task traditionally falls upon the senior-most council-member.


While the few visitors in Saltmarsh have little reason to visit the Council Hall, those that walk by often comment on the distinctive awning. Members of the sequestered dwarven population recognize the faded awning etches as sacred markings used in rituals and carved into high ranking dwarven military ships and see this appropriation as another example of the town's vulgarity.  
"That, my young friend, is what happens when someone stupid discovers something priceless. They treat it like it's useless. One day they'll see the true might of those symbols crashing down upon them. Until then, keep your pickax close and sharp."
— Dalordaen Greatbrewer to his niece Gifrorra.


The original structure was built by a dwarven community at the end of the first age. Established as the Temple of the God of the Hunt and War, it was primarily used for religious ceremonies, including the right of passage for young warriors. As part of the ceremony, each initiate would trace the sacred etchings along the awning with the handle of their weapon while their sponsors, usually parents, placed their hands on the initiate's back. This symbolizing the strength the warrior can draw upon from their ancestors.   It was one of only three structures that was somewhat recognizable after the great destruction in the early second age. As a result of this immense devastation, most of the community was forced to abandon the town and returned to their ancestral lands in the Mountains. The few who chose to strengthen their ties to the Keoland Kingdom resettled in Port Tarbin. The area fell into disrepair until it was resettled by a group of human fishermen searching for more fertile fishing grounds.


Jinar Kanklesten, early in her tenure as the Carpenters' guild-master, rebuilt the ashen wood stairway and entrance after a devastating storm surge. Weaving together salvageable pieces of the Saltmarsh wreckage and ashen wood from the Hool Marshes, this blending of damaged and durable wood pay homage to the traditional adage: "Alone you are broken. Together we are one."
Weekly council meetings, royal decrees, holiday celebrations, and the occasional execution

Ancient Dwarven temple to the God of Hunt and War

Built by dwaves during the first age. Partially destroyed. Rebuilt by humans during the second age.<br>
Related Tradition (Primary)


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