The Cinder Wastes Geographic Location in Ghaile | World Anvil
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The Cinder Wastes

A roaming wasteland of rock, fire, and ash, so much ash. The Cinder Wastes is aptly named as this entire layer of the Abyss is dominated by an immense desert made of burning ash and cinders. The spirits of the dead wander the wastes seeking some kind of salvation, only to come up short every time.

This land is ruled by the Cinder Queen, a demon lord capable of manipulating the ash and fire that makes up the plane to their will with but a thought.


The Cinder Wastes is a single massive desert, the only liquid on the entire layer being a river running through it, a river of lava that is. A massive stone castle sits at the center of the layer, erected directly from the ground. Rolling sandstorms roiling with internal fires crash their way through the layer, sweeping up any poor souls unlucky enough to be caught in them.

Fauna & Flora

Being a massive desert, the plane is only home to the most resilient creatures. In addition to the standard demons that inhabit the Abyss, the Cinder Wastes are home to fire, earth, magma, and many more elementals. Several genies also make their home here, mostly efreeti and shaitans. Mortal souls are also home on this plane in the form of desperate wanderers. The layer casts an illusion over the minds of the souls creating a hallucination of an oasis somewhere around them, but no matter how hard they look, they'll never find it.

Natural Resources

The Cinder Wastes is home to a multitude of resources primarily consisting of rare metals that bubble up from the layer's volcanic regions.
Alternative Name(s)
1115th Layer of the Abyss


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Feb 13, 2021 02:20

Sounds like a wonderful place,I must visit sometime.I mustn't forget an enchanted Waterskin,Tankard or Jug or its game over....   Aemon