Scepter of Rulership (/sɛptr ɒv ru:lrʃɪp/)

Alongside other artifacts, the Scepters of Authority were a shortly series of six magical artifacts produced at the behest of the crown of the Yulan-Tai shortly after the advent of the Tributary Kingdoms. Each of the tributary kings was gifted one of these scepters with a seventh, final one being made for the Emperor of the Yulan-Tai who ruled over all. The scepter was part of a set, being meant to be paired with diadems, and thrones which some suspect harmonized the powers of each making all significant stronger than when used apart from one another. As with any of the Great Yulan-Tai artifacts, the power of these artifacts and the potency of their symbolism meant that the client kings fought hard to maintain their control over their scepters and struggled to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Like the diadems, almost all existing scepters were lost during the Fall of the Yulan-Tai Empire, and almost all of the survivors disappearing shortly after the fall. Only the Aeillans, specifically the rulers of Polanis maintained their own scepter, which was reverted to control of The Ilosi Republic, and later Aeillan Empire after Polanis was conquered. Those of a superstitious nature believe that possession of the scepter helps explain the strength of The Aeillan Empire.   The myth of the power of the magic artifacts made by the ruling classes of the Yulan-Tai has long outlasted any official indication of their location, and throughout the forging period and well into the era of Aeillan dominance of formerly Yulan-Tai lands, some rulers of the successor kingdoms would expand substantial resources pursuing rumors of lost tombs and ancient reliquaries that might possess some Yulan-Tai artifacts. As time has gone on however, this particular notion has become less and less Common. Rather the misfortunes experienced by the civilizations in Southern Galisea during the Feloran Invasionary periods resulted in a changing of the legends, with many believing the items cursed. In the modern era, it is instead academics and clergy seeking out these objects, seeking to contain and study them instead of seeking them in some attempt to secure power.   As with many Yulan-Tai artifacts, the exact nature of the objects is somewhat difficult to ascertain, aside from some fragmentary accounts, and limited studies undertaken by scholars at the Sofipolis of the scepter sitting in the tomb of Alexios III, much is constrained to legend and not fact. According to legend, the Scepters would make the bearer a stronger warrior, capable of honing their skills with a blade. Others would claim that the Scepter allowed the bearer to strike down their foes with a beam of cold light. The only thing that is commonly agreed upon is that bearers seemed wiser, and more capable of carrying out the tasks needed of a ruler, and to some extent more perceptive. Scholarly studies of the only known scepter in the world, that of Alexios, has proven only the latter with other more mythical qualities believed overblown.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Related ethnicities
Exceptionally Rare, Nearly Unique
1 kg (varies)
.5m (varies)
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Unknown, a jade core with other mostly unknown materials.

DnD (5e) Statistics

Cover image: Magic Background by Airmailartist