Eldritch Madness Condition in Getninia | World Anvil

Eldritch Madness

Eldtritch Madness is a form of supernatural insanity affecting the short term memory, ability to tell reality from illusion, disrupting one's linear perception of time and distorting their experiences in ways unfathomable to those without the condition. It has only recently been documented, and is one of the most notable discoveries of Dotharan medicine.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmission is unknown. Only two documented cases exist, one in someone who attempted to discern the Unknowable Manuscript in the Library of Lumora and another in an eccentric merchant who had claimed to have accidentally broken his tuning fork while attempting to teleport to one of the outer planes. However, there are countless rumors and historical records suggesting everyone from the ruling King of Daramar to respected Lèlbrìkèrn Val'sösh Yìnhànà (t. 850–1325 LIE). It is not likely to be infectious or transmissible through birth.


Hallucinations are the most common early symptom described in most suscepted cases. Unfortunately, the two confirmed cases were both in their advanced stages, so it has been hard to corroborate the reports.


There is no known treatment for the ailment, and the only two confirmed cases both ended with the individuals succumbing to injury from bodily endangerment brought about by the disease's complications – not the condition itself.


The first confirmed case was almost 800 years prior, and exists from the written record of the Lumoran Library Ledger, and was confirmed only with magical aid to communicate with the Yīra of the victim during the research into the now-2nd confirmed victim, Vistus Flava, a Cyrenic Dwarve operating a merchant vessel on the Nikea-Tìl Formen'ya shipping route, with a penchant for seeking exotic stock and wares for his enterprise. Mr. Flava contracted the condition after a mishap with a tuning fork lead to a misteleportation to an unknown realm that Vistus has been unable to describe coherently.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species