Canal Janitor Profession in Getninia | World Anvil

Canal Janitor

A canal janitor is a type of canal worker tasked with cleaning the canals and drinking aqueducts in the Dotharan Alliance. The job is a dirty one, devoid of thanks in the Dotharan Alliance, a commerce-focused state, with poor pay and little benefits, however in its absence would put Alliance cities at risk for disease.



There are no qualifications necessary. It is an unskilled semi-industrial job with no associated guild or trade association.

Payment & Reimbursement

The pay is 1/8 Milas a day, the equivalent to one copper piece.



The canal janitor removes pollutants from the canals, as well as cleans the waters that feed drinking sources. Without a canal janitor, many canals would build up debris and waste, potentially poisoning the water supply of Alliance cities.

Social Status

Canal janitors are looked down upon, particularly because of the Dotharan culture of commerce. However, another factor is their perceived dirtiness for working with waste products, animal carcasses, and more.


In particularly industrial regions, Je'thor Councils will often hire anywhere between 3 to 15 canal workers as janitors in order to offset the pollution from the high amounts of water traffic and waste from the fisheries that dot much of the Dotharan Alliance. It is an urban job, with virtually none in the rural areas of the Alliance and Orc Polity. Many humans in the Alliance, particularly non-Dotharan humans, find themselves working canal sanitation.


The Je'thor Council of the Port of Bèlësh was the first to hire a janitor for the port's main transportation canal in 400 PE, which had become polluted by the traffic from the hundreds of ships traversing the port and from the waste of the fish factories in the outskirts of the city. Other Dotharan cities followed suit in the subsequent decades.



Clothing for getting submerged in water is standard standard and in some locales provided by employer.
Government job
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