Aeillan Language

Human language


...I call the guiding spirits to inspire me...
Υεὖ κaɪ να θῡεμπεὖaν κοσ Μύζοι
Pronunciation: /yːeu̯ caɪ θyéi̯mbeu̯än kos̠ myːz̠oi̯/
Word Order: I call to inspire me they the guiding spirits

The Aeillan language, originating from the Aeillan region of the Galisean continent is one of the chief languages of Southwest Galisea. Spoken primarily by the Aeillan peoples, the language is found spoken by millions of people natively, and even more as a second language. Most impressively Aeillan has been incoporated into the Common Pidgin of the Galisean/Feloran trade circuit, and has therefore become something of an international language.   The Aeillan language is spoken largely by ethnic Aeillans, and largely within the Aeillan region. In the Aeillan region, it has official support, and is broadly spoken by most of the population. Outside of this region, the language is spoken mostly in Aeillan ethnic enclaves in Qua'adar and Gallaca, with smaller communities speaking this language throughout the rest of southwest Galisea, and a tiny minority in Dothara.

Writing System

World Builders Note: Many words will be written outside this article will be using Latin characters, and this may be supplemented by equivalent alphabet structures where appropriate.   The Aeillan alphabet consists of twenty four letters, with bother upper and lower cases. Historically, there was no distinction in letter case, though recent pushes for literacy have seen the steady adoption of letter cases until such a point that it is seen as the default for the language.

Upper Case
Lower Case
α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς τ υ φ χ ψ ω


The Aeillan language has a rich array of phonemes upon which to draw from, possessing a number of consenantal phonemes, and six vowel phonemes. There are also stress accents, which are indicated by a longer held pronunciation, and pitch accents which are common in older words, but less common in loan words, and those that have come into use more recently.   Consonant inventory: /b c̠ d d͡z f k l m n n̠ n̪ p r̠ s̠ t t͡s v x z̠ ç˗ ð ŋ ɟ˗ ɡ ɣ ɱ ɲ̟ ɹ̠ ɾ̠ ʃ ʒ ʝ˗ θ/
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Retracted Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ɲ̟ ŋ
Stop p b t d c̠ ɟ˗ k ɡ
Africtive t͡s d͡z
Fricative f v θ ð s̠ z̠ ʃ ʒ ç˗ ʝ˗ x ɣ
Approximant ɹ̠ j
Flip or Tap ɾ̠
Lateral l
Vowel Inventory: (Monopthongs): a a: e e: i i: ɔː o u: u y yː ; (Dipthongs): ai̯ au̯ ei̯ eu̯ oi̯ yi̯ ɛːi̯
Front Central Back
High iː i y yː u: u
Near-high ɪ
High-mid e: e o
Low-mid ɛ ɔː
Low a: a ɑ


The Aeillan language maintains distinct morphological cases for personage (1st, 2nd, and 3rd person), as well as gender (traditionally masculine and feminine only, though neuter has come increasingly into use).


Distance, Numerical Word, IPA, English equivalent
1st, Singular υεὖ, /yːeu̯/, I/me
2nd, Singular τοσ, /tos̠/, you
3rd, Singular (Personal) ψον, /son/, he/him; φον, /fon/, she/her; ψυφον, /fy:son/, they/them (NB singular)
3rd, Singular (Object) τα, /ta:/, it
1st, Plural υοι, /yːoi̯/, we, us
2nd, Plural τονοι or νοι, /tonoi̯ or noi̯/, you (all) or ya'll
3rd, Plural (People) τοι /toi̯/, they/them (plural, persons)
3rd Plural (Objects) τανοσ, /ta:nos̠/ they/them (plural, objects)
There are four major cases for the Aeillan language used to modify nouns, adjectives, and personal pronouns (Accusative, Genitive, Dative, and Vocative), though a handful of case endings exist as a linguistic relic from Yulani loanwords. Case is rarely directly addressed in informal speech, in both formal and informal speech, case is indicated by a case prefix followed by a rising tone on the next syllable:
Case Prefix (Script, IPA, Latin Transliteration)
Accusative δουν, (δu:ɲ), thoon
Dative δουν, (ða:ɲ), thon
Genative θαι, (θai̯), thai
Vocative θῡ, (θy), thu
Passive voice is indicated through construction of a sentence. A sentence made in passive voice must always be in either the past or present tense, and cannot have any personal pronouns used in the formation of the sentence. Mood is indicated by an affix to the root verb which must agree with the distance of the subject, and in the case of the 3rd person, must also agree with number and gender of the subject, imperative mood is indicated by using the affix as a prefix, with optative being used as a suffix:
Distance, Plurality, Gender Suffix
1st Person (Singular and Plural) εἴ, /ei̯/, ei
2nd Person (Singular and Plural) νῃ, /nɛːi̯/, nay
3rd Person (Singular, Masc.) ως (/os/), os
3rd Person (Singular, Fem.) ωφ, (/of/), of
3rd Person (Singlar, NB) ωβ, (/ov/), ov
3rd Person (Singular, Objects) αβ, (av), av
3rd Person (Plural, Personal) νυι, (/ny:i/), ni
3rd Person (Plural, Impersonal) ναυ, (nau̯), nov
The notable exception to rules on verb conjugation exists in the form of reflexive vebs, which are placed between the two nouns or pronouns that must be use two indicator suffixes, with the first suffix in agreement with the subject of a sentence, and the second must agree with the referenced object.
Subject Suffix
1st Person εὖ, (/eu̯/), yu
2nd Person ῥι, (/r̥i/), ri
3rd Person (People) , (/än/), han
3rd Person (Objects) εν, (/en/), hen


With a simple sentence, Aeillan is a subject-verb-object language.
For examples: Κοσ íλλος βαντα. (/kos̠ ilios̠ vanta/), The sun rises.
Υεὖ βόλτα κοσ ιππεύω (yːeu̯ voltʰa: kos̠ ipé:vo/), I ride the horse.
When answering a question however, or when the verb must recieve special attention, the Aeillan language takes on a verb-subject-object, or rarely a verb-object-subject synatx.
Examples: βαντα Κοσ íλλος? (/vanta kos̠ ilios̠ /)? Rises the sun?, βόλτα κοσ ιππεύω υεὖ?
(/voltʰa: kos̠ ipé:vo yːeu̯/) Ride the Horse I did.
When conjoining multiple clauses into a single sentence, clauses after the first take on a verb-subject-object syntax, with the hard rule that verbs must come immediately after conjuctions.
Examples: Κοσ íλλος βαντα, νων τσην βαντα υεὖ. (/kos̠ ilios̠ vanta ɲɔːn t͡sɛːn vanta yːeu̯/) the sun rises and rose I. 
Υεὖ βόλτα κοσ ιππεύω επειδή χσην πάω το σπίτι του Αλέξιος (/yːeu̯ voltʰa: kos̠ ipé:vo ɛːpʰei̯dí xen pao tό spetῑ teu̯ aleksios/) I ride the horse because will go to house of Alexios.
In the case that there is a reflexive verb, the verb must always come between subject and object regardless of any other syntax rules.
Example: Κοσ íλλος βαντα, νων τσην βαντα υεὖ, επειδή τοσ νῃίχνηῥιεὖ υεὖ (/kos̠ ilios̠ vanta, ɲɔːn t͡sɛːn vanta yːeu̯, ɛːpʰei̯dí tos nɛːi̯ixnir̥ieu̯ yːeu̯./) The sun rises, and rise I will, because you have to wake me.
Adjectives must always come after the referenced subject or object, and adverbs must always come after the verb.
Example: Κοσ íλλος χρυσαφένιος βαντα αργά, (/kos̠ ilios̠ krisofeɲios vanta arga/), The golden sun rises slowly.


Aeillan vocabulary is largely derived from the populations of proto-Spartharoi and proto-Ilosi peoples living in the Aeillan region since the Yulani period. Aeillan vocabulary does borrow loanwords from neighboring languages, and to a lesser extent from "Imperial" Feloran, with the dialects of Aeillan being largely defined by the rough percentage of loanwords from certain languages with Ilosi Aeillan in particular borrowing heavily from Cyrenic. Aside from Cyrenic and Gallacan, all loanwords do have Aeillan inflections appended leaving only the loan root word.


In Aeillan grammer, there are three tenses, present, past and future; three moods, indicative, imperative, and Optative with a soft interrogative mood indicated by a rising tone through the question; and it has two voices, active and passive. Verb conjugation is relatively simple. Verbs in the present tense, using an indicative mood, and active voice use the infinitive form of the verb. Other verb tenses are indicated by a tense indicator placed before the verb, τσην (/t͡sɛːn/) for past tense, χσην (/xen/) for future tense.


11 Words.
Successor Languages
Spoken by

Spelling Rules

Pronunciation Spelling
b μπ
c κ
d ντ
ð δ
d͡z ζ
f φ
ɡ ʝ γ
ɣ ɟ γκ
k κ ξ
l λ λλ
m μ
n ν
ɲ ν
ŋ γ
p π ψ
r r̥ ρ
s σ ς ξ ψ
t τ θ
t͡s τσ
v β υ
x χ
z ζ, σ
θ θ
a a: α
ɛː e e: ε
i i: ι
ɔː o o: ω ο
u u: ου
y y:
ai̯ αϊ
au̯ αου
ei̯ έι
eu̯ εου
oi̯ οι
yi̯ υι


IPA Explanation
´ High Tone
´ Rising Tone
Mid Tone
Falling Tone
΄ Stress