Thunderport Settlement in Gesseri' | World Anvil
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Ports have been a source of trade since the earliest ships were made. No such port is known for trade quite like the Thunderport, Formerly know as Brightlands. The center of nearly all trade today which was thought impossible until the invention of the lightning posts and rods. Originally only storm sorcerers, tempest clerics and the most lucky of people could travel the Brightlands without getting struck by lightning. Its original name was from how at any time of day the area was always being filled with lightning strikes to the earth. It varies by season, but in the calmest winters of winters, averaging 90 per hour,  to the most eventful summers, averaging 5 every minute, the Bright lands was always  lit by the dangers of the light.   When building the first light tower to absorb most of the lightning the marine life decided to attack the tower to prevent the people from taking up another coastal area. This distaste for the people never went away as inhabitants forced their way into occupying the land, by starting nearly a mile away and building a lightning tower closer and closer until expanding throughout the coast line. From there ships from nearly every country side met and traded and shared new inventions at Thunderport. Having the masts of ships strapped with lightning rods which release through the bottom keel to protect from any potential marine attacks.   Although it is home to many ships to port, only a small amount of people call Thunderport home. no more than 300 people, mainly ship rites and others whose main purpose is to keep the port open. There are numerous inns, and even a hotel that houses 40 rooms, but little actual artisans who stay within the area. Whatever could be made is cheaper to trade amongst the traveling sellsman on boats.   Life around the area is both the safest and most dangerous depending on how close you are to the port. With the lack of protection from the lightning rods the certainty of being struck only rises. For anyone with needing to travel outside the lightning tower protected road, there are a few storm sorcerers willing to help, for a fee, to travel to ensure safer travels to through the coast, not protected by the Towers. There are some underground paths, but many are unfinished leaving many to be inhabited by all types of people, monsters, and even a tunnel leading to the Underdark, but a passage deemed to dangerous as Mindflayers have taken home in the area.   Excluding the adventure to such foreign lands of intrigue the Thunderport has many unique features that have left many an adventurer to spend some time there.


  • Bright lands
    The Bright lands now known as Thunder port as it became inhabited.


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