The Monochrome Tieflings Ethnicity in Gesseri' | World Anvil
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The Monochrome Tieflings

The newest of tieflings that bore from the first inhabitants of what they first labeled New Eden. Long ago the monochrome tieflings were all humans who came from a world without magic. Read about the New inhabitants to know more about the origin of the monochrome tieflings.
When the New Inhabitants of the new world enter some had heard the voices of ancient voices spread throughout community. Many believed it was someone they once prayed to long ago, and without question followed the orders and quests given by this entity. It would be found later, as the years go on where the truth of who was really speaking to would be revealed too late. As the effects of the dark bonds forged between the ancient voice and the select few New Inhabitants, over night many within the the country awoke as tieflings. Newer and very different than the tielfings that would eventually travel to New Eden as their colors where without pigment. Two type, albino skin with obsidian black nails and horns and the other being black with pale white nails and horns. The one form of color that existed naturally within this new race was their eyes. Each hold a mix of colors and shades, and even varying types of eyes that have only one commonality, exotic.
Once the newest versions of tieflings formed they were able to make their mark on society and not be as ostracized as the former tieflings were.


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