The Conveyance Organization in Gesseri' | World Anvil
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The Conveyance

As a world spread religion, the Conveyance has found itself within nearly every location, race, and organization within Gesseri'. Its origins follow closely with the first inhabitants, but only after Macha was formed as a settlement. As the Conveyance was formed it consisted of 10 members who began to terraform the lands into arable lands. Turning the once volcanic earth, breaking it apart, into nutrient soil. From this soil the druids of the group began harvesting the lands into crops for food to grow. Further the earth was uprooted into a stable foundation where the first buildings were built.

The Conveyance only formed after a year of making Macha into a settlement. The 10 decided to name themselves as the Conveyance from how each member of the world came through a gate of some type into this world. Many arrived through Macha and so as they created the organization, which would turn into a religion, they decided to hold no limits on who can follow the religion of the Conveyed. As each of the 10 were of different race, they struck what each members race was from any records to force none to think one race was superior, or should be in control of the lands.

Centuries later, as a city formed around the crops, it was made a hub for the now religion which hosted many pilgrimages throughout the world. If not for the actions of the 10 it is said that the religious organization could have formed a heavily dangerous army. Since they thought ahead, the organization is seen as nothing more than a positive force as people of the faith travel amongst countries.

When a pilgrim travels, instead of going directly to Macha, they usually travel through the lands providing assistance where they go. Almost as a right of passage into adulthood, pilgrims travel in groups when they finally reach maturity, which is different for every race. These pilgrim usually provide a variety of help from working crops, taking out pesky infestations, or other such small time activities. These activities are usually meant to accumulate enough money to afford travel to Macha with only the bare minimum in necessary items such as clothing, a weeks rations, and some form of carrying case. As many are only just reaching adulthood it does happen some create ruckuses, but overall a Conveyance pilgrim is considered to be lead with good luck.         Depending on country standing it is customary for coming adults to travel to the holy lands of Servate Mesto. Lead by a sage who has completed the pilgrimage prior they will travel across the lands. Each journey is different as the group can take any route to the holy land. To pay for the journey families will provide the upfront costs. It has slowly become more traditional to give enough money to travel to just a few ports away leaving the pilgrim to fend for themselves.
Religious, Other


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