Ryunoji Organization in Gesseri' | World Anvil
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As if separated to a fault, the country of Ryunoji has lived separately from most of the world by choice.  Although the country is beyond just a simple island, measuring between nearly 100,000 sq mi, the entire country is separated by high plateaus that reach hundreds of yards from the surface of the ocean it is surrounded by.  To reach the country one would have to have the ability to fly or skills far beyond normal to climb the side of the island.   The country is known to contain almost exclusively warriors, but those who are able to access magic are abundant, with some becoming court mages.  There is a difference between those who specialize in magic and warriors who are able to use magic. Those who specialize are all forced to become court mages in the service of the ruling class.    As the island nation has excluded itself from the rest of the world it has created its own conflicts between the warrior casts.  Although the ruling class stays out of the conflicts, the position of the kings warlords is always in flux.  With each conflict, one such warlord gets closer to ruling alongside the rulers, but also closer to losing that position as well.    The largest city is Honokai which holds the ruling class, but as the number of this class barely exceed 20, most of the city contains warriors and serfs. With a singular high tower followed by an expansive collection of low end housing and shanties. The high tower stands over 20 stories high, but unlike the rest of the world it seems behind the times when it comes to technology. Interestingly of all the failings of their progress compared to other countries, Ryunoji has comparable weapons and armor. Some even exceeding that of most countries.   Court mages are are exclusively Bards, Clerics, Druids, Sorcerers, and Wizards. The reason for the forced induction of these types of people into being court mages has been tradition for centuries. It is expected that whenever a serf or other such warrior shows the potential of such classes, they are then removed from whatever position to the court mages. Many are swapped from poverty to what they would compare as prosperity.
Geopolitical, Lordship


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