Quaint Village Settlement in Gesseri' | World Anvil
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Quaint Village

New settlements are a dime a dozen around the expanding world. The Village of Quaint is no different. Like other settlements they have a high chance of failing. Being no different Quaint was established with a collection of Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes and Aaracokra. When it was created the village has nicknamed Smallsville for the lack of anyone over 4 feet tall. The settlement formed at the base of the mountain, Mount Dragold, because of the resources that were available within and around. With resources so easily available has also previously been taken by other creatures. Kobolds for years have surrounded the mountain, the ones who named it, and enjoyed the resources to their pleasure. With Quaint forming with Halflings, the Kobolds have taken this as an offense, attacking any group that comes into contact with them. To avoid confrontation digging into the mountain led to riches not thought of. Diamonds, gold, quartz, and other such resources. A researcher among the settlement said it seemed that the gold was melt off from a possible dragon horde either active in the mountain or left over from long ago.

  The settlement also benches two terrains, where the Brine desert meets the cliffs of the Red forests. The Brine was a newly formed desert from the quick receeding of the ocean, having left many marine life to perish from the change. The Brine isn't lacking in life as it would seem, many of the aquatic life were able to adapt to the drying land until it became the desert. Under the dry desert there has been lakes and underground water reserves amongs the grand expanse of desert. Which used to be the shore, filled with trees from Red forest. Known for the leaves that turn red from the insects and arachnids who died in the soil, dying the core and leaves a mix between a bright Magenta to a darker burgundy depending on which insect life lives near the trees. Many of the wildlife shares the same sheen of colors such as the infamous red owlbears. Although there are many questionable entities in the desert and the forest their is one lone road traveling through the desert to the ocean through the forest a half mile away from Quaint and onward past the mountain range to other towns and cities.   Far off in direct view of Quaint Village is The Mountain's Overlook .


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