La-Valin Settlement in Gesseri' | World Anvil
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The City   A once ancient ruin made by the once abandoned city during an old war was eventually taken up adopted hundreds of years ago. Nearly every type of race lives in the city, from Dwarves to Halflings, but many are separated by sections of the city. Broken down into 4 sections, 2 in the upper and 2 in the lower. The 2 upper sections known as the Nier are composed of the richer population as well as nobles, governing figures and other powerful figures. The 2 lower sections known as the Ravine compose of the lesser rich, but neither in this section would be considered poor. This area comprises of merchants, blacksmiths, tailors, and other such artisan crafters. Outside the Ravine, past the walls is the area where many poorer folks live. Most adventurers or traveling merchants visit which allow for this part of the city to thrive.     The merchants area connects throughout the world as the ports provide more trade than most other countries could imagine. From all these trades a creative merchant, whose name is lost by time, created a drug which has allowed some of the most honest trades in history.  Hashish Mélange was created from that unknown merchant to allow for the most honest trades in history. Although its not uncommon to avoid smoking it, it is frowned upon when information or trade deals are done throughout the city.      As the city was repopulated hundreds of years ago the catacombs that flow from one part of the city to the other is shy of abandoned only used with specific, well used paths mapped out for anyone to use. This location was simply called the catacombs until the name Valindark was translated from old writing within the tunnels.

The untraveled and unmapped parts of Valindark hold potential vast treasures, forgotten spells, and monsters that stay within, comfortable under the city for any who wish to travel within them. It is said that there is a group who travels these unused catacombs, but to many these are rumors, for not many have made it back from the darkest reaches of Valindark . Many secrets lie within the city, but the catacombs are simply the most well known, but the tower of Magi, the water death murderer, or the drug that allows anyone to cast a spell, are only some of the things yet to be solved.


  • La Valin
    The once abandoned white city having had thousands of years of life flushed within it.


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