Princess Thelia Tisserand Character in Geldora | World Anvil

Princess Thelia Tisserand

Princess Thelia Tisserand (a.k.a. The Heart of Mera)

Thelia Tisserand was the first and only daughter of King Cale Tisserand, ruler of the kingdom of Meran. Born and raised in the city of King's Rest, Since the King's ascension to the throne Thelia has been well-loved by the people, who regarded her as a beacon of hope for the future of the kingdom. Her intelligence, kindness, and beauty are widely known throughout the land, and she is admired by many.   Thelia has always been passionate about learning and education, and spent much of her childhood poring over books and asking questions of her tutors. Her favorite subjects were history, literature, and politics, and she often engaged in lively debates with her father and his advisors. Thelia is determined to make a difference in the world and to help her father rule the kingdom with wisdom and compassion.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Thelia's apparel is always of utmost importance, reflecting not only her status as a princess but also her personal style. When she is at the capital in Kings Rest, she often wears flowing dresses made of the finest silk in rich jewel tones, such as emerald, sapphire, and ruby. The dresses hug her curves in all the right places, flaring out at the bottom in a cascade of fabric. These dresses are often adorned with intricate beading or embroidery, adding to their opulence. The sleeves of her dresses are typically billowy and airy, providing her with freedom of movement while also giving the impression of her being delicate and graceful.   Thelia's footwear is always carefully chosen as well. She typically wears heels made of the same material as her dresses, allowing her to match her outfit perfectly. Her shoes are designed to provide maximum comfort while still appearing elegant and regal. Her jewelry is always tasteful, yet extravagant, featuring precious gems and metals. Thelia often wears a tiara encrusted with diamonds and emeralds, a gift from her father when she turned 18.   Thelia's accessories complete her look, and she is never seen without a fine clutch purse made of the same fabric as her dress. Her hair is styled to perfection, often in loose waves or an intricate up-do adorned with jewels or a delicate tiara. Her makeup is always natural and subtle, enhancing her natural beauty. Thelia's apparel exudes confidence and grace, making her stand out in any crowd.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thelia was born into a kingdom torn apart by tragedy. The Great Betrayal, which wiped out the entire royal family, occurred just two years after her birth. As a result, Thelia never knew what it was like to live in a prosperous and united Mera. Instead, she grew up in a kingdom plagued by fear and division, where the use of arcane magic was forbidden under the Tarrenshade Edict. Her father, Cale Tisserand, assumed the throne and became known for his harsh treatment of magic users, which included public executions during the Cleansings. Despite this, Thelia loved her father and was proud of the way he defended Mera against foreign invaders. As a child, Thelia was sheltered from the harsh realities of the kingdom. She spent most of her time in the palace with her mother, Queen Amica, and her tutors. Her passion for learning was evident from a young age, and she excelled in her studies. Her mother encouraged her to read books and learn about the world outside of Mera. Thelia also had a love for music and was often found singing or playing the harp. Despite her privileged upbringing, Thelia was kind-hearted and empathetic towards others.   As Thelia grew older, she became increasingly aware of the tensions within the kingdom. She saw how the people of Mera were divided, and how the use of arcane magic was a sensitive issue. Her father's actions often troubled her, but she felt powerless to do anything about it. Thelia dreamed of a united Mera, where magic users and non-magic users could live together in harmony. Her passion for diplomacy and desire to bring peace to her kingdom would soon lead her on a journey to Yohir, where she would face new challenges and make crucial decisions that would shape the future of Mera.


As a princess, Thelia received a comprehensive education that covered a wide range of subjects. She was taught the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic, as well as history, geography, and politics. She also received instruction in etiquette, diplomacy, and public speaking, which have been important skills for her to master as a member of the royal family. In addition to her academic education, Thelia received training in physical activities such as riding horses and swordplay. As a member of the royal family, she has been expected to be physically fit and able to defend herself if necessary. Thelia also received training in music and art, as these were considered important cultural pursuits for members of the nobility.   Overall, Thelia's education has been designed to prepare her for her future role as a leader and representative of the kingdom. She was taught the skills and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions, communicate effectively with others, and uphold the traditions and values of the Meran people.


Contacts & Relations

Lady Isadora Blackwood - Isadora is a striking young woman, with raven-black hair and piercing green eyes. Her family, the Blackwoods, is one of the most prominent noble families in Mera. They have a long history of serving the royal family and have produced many knights and commanders over the years. Isadora herself is a skilled horsewoman and a talented archer, and she often competes in tournaments and jousts.   Lord Cedric Redwyne - Cedric is a tall and imposing figure, with broad shoulders and a thick beard. He is often seen wearing a suit of armor, even when he is not on duty. The Redwynes are one of the wealthiest families in Mera, and their wealth comes from their vast vineyards and wineries. Cedric is a skilled warrior, but he is also known for his love of fine wine and his impeccable taste in fashion.   Lady Elyse Hawthorne - Elyse is a petite and delicate young woman, with long blonde hair and soft blue eyes. Her family, the Hawthornes, is known for their skill in diplomacy and their extensive network of contacts throughout the kingdom. Elyse herself is a talented musician and often performs at court functions and other noble gatherings. She is well-liked by many in the court due to her kind and gentle nature.

Religious Views

As a follower of Irina, Thelia is deeply devoted to the Vigilant One and her teachings. She believes in the importance of protecting and defending those in need, and strives to embody the virtues of courage, selflessness, and compassion in all aspects of her life.   Thelia often prays to Irina for guidance and strength, seeking the goddess's wisdom and blessings in her endeavors. She also regularly participates in religious rituals and ceremonies, including offering prayers and sacrifices at Irina's temples and holy sites.   In addition to her religious practices, Thelia actively seeks out opportunities to serve and protect her community, often going out of her way to assist those in need. She views her role as a follower of Irina as a sacred duty and is committed to upholding the values and principles of her faith in all that she does.

Thelia Tisserand is a 23-year-old human princess from the city of Kings Rest. She is known for her intelligence, bravery, and sharp wit. Despite her royal upbringing, she is compassionate and cares deeply for the well-being of her people.

Character Location
Current Location
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Current Status
Freed from captivity
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Her Royal Highness
King's Rest
Thelia is a woman of striking beauty with a slender build and delicate features
Bright blue eyes
Long, wavy Auburn hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am a princess of Mera, and I will not back down in the face of adversity." "I may be young, but I have been trained for this role my entire life. I will not let my people down."
Follower of Irina
Related Plots
Known Languages
Thelia speaks Common, as well as Elvish, and Celestial. As a princess and member of the nobility, she also learned to speak Draconic that could be useful in diplomacy or politics.