The Brotherhood of Red Skies Organization in Geistervelt | World Anvil

The Brotherhood of Red Skies

To the most illustrious swordsman, marksman, and windcaller of the Blades of Azaf Inuel that I ever knew,   I'm glad you have written me, konseg, it has been far too long since we last saw each other. When you got carted off after dath rasse near Saint Ainures palace, I and the men simply assumed infection had taken you after the fact. I am certainly glad it had not. Now I must wonder if you kept all of your extremities?   You retain your precocious edge even now I see, with the script of questions you sent along with your original letter. I will do my best to answer the question you had about the company I now keep in this letter, and can elaborate elucidate upon the others in a later letter.   The Brotherhood of Red Skies as you so kindly translated from my native tongue, is the only family I've known and have been my comrades for most of my life. They taught me how to fight, both with my fists and with weapons, with the purpose of being a sort of marine defense for the ships that traveled in and out of my home town.   I spent much of my early life on ships traveling the coast, repelling pirates and the occasional incensed wild Eidos in our shared purpose. The occasional pirate den, if I may say so without bragging.   Fighting is not the purpose of the Brotherhood, however. We, rather more accurate to say they at the current juncture, are a religious organization dedicated to the the enforcement of peace on the seas.   You know the old saying about red skies and their meaning to sailors? That is the Brotherhoods aspiration. The seas, in their eyes, should be a place of commerce and travel, but never war. Never to be stained with the blood of those who make the waves their homes.   You may call us hypocrites then, and I cannot say you are wrong in entirely, but hypocrites with purpose. After all, those that the Brotherhood fight have made a decision to cause strife and destruction far before the Brotherhood crossed blades with them. At that point, the path to peace would be through the destruction of the inflaming element. That's certainly the way my brothers would see it.
  This is a section of a letter an old comrade of mine sent in response to correspondence of mine, within which I had asked him to elaborate upon a sort of locket that he used to carry. It didn't contain the picture of a wife or lover, but was actually an impressively rendered seascape within. One with the delightful red skies the brotherhood took as their inspiration.   I was highly impressed at the time, and still am, when he told me that each member has a uniquely painted Icon once they had been inducted as a full brother. I was incredibly lucky that my old friend was willing to go into far more detail, but as of right now I am unsure of how I want to integrate his letters into the codex.   I shall have to asked Rembrandt for advice on the matter. Perhaps after the correspondence has finished and we and I can compile all of the letters in one place.
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Alternative Names
Dath Brundershood der Himm Enrot

Cover image: by Granger


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