Spirit crystal Material in Gears and Ghosts world | World Anvil

Spirit crystal

A glowing crystal that occurs mostly underground in the northern regions of Finndar and the eastern mountains of Sawari.


Material Characteristics

A quartz-like crystal that glows slightly in the dark. Instead of spreading vertically like many crystals, it spreads horizontally, made of short, diamond-shape crystals.

Physical & Chemical Properties

More similar in properties to beryllium than quartz, with the same melting point and hardness. It refracts light similarly to glass when it is shined on the substance, and it channels almost as well as it does light, making it an important piece in modern technology.

Geology & Geography

Found underground, mostly in northern Finndal and central Sawari, but low amounts of it is found in almost every region.

Origin & Source

The scientific community does not agree on what the main origin of sprit crystal is, but commonly, the believe it to be some sort of solid form of "mana" or spirit, crystalized over thousands of years, but how that spirit became separated from living things for so long is unknown, one scholarly theory is that spirit crystal is what happens after spirit dissolves, but that is unlikely, as there is always a low amount of spirit in the air.    In the areas where spirit crystal is common, there are stories about how the material came to be; often connecting it to some sort of mythical tragedy.
Light cool colors, a pastel purple, light green, or light blues.
Boiling / Condensation Point
2,348 F
Common State
A solid, crystalline structure.


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