Winedark, Chapter Twenty-Six Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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Winedark, Chapter Twenty-Six

General Summary

Wherein the Blasters navigate a contentious Sea Sibyl meeting, offer insight at a Gathering and retrieve a bladder for tattoo purposes.  

Of Tattoos and Beasts

Encouraged to relax before a momentous meeting with the Sibyl, Water decided that the best way to do that was to get a tattoo on their forehead. Not just any tattoo--a magic one to help them open the third eye.   To do that, he and Irk scoured the various needle parlors of Little Inkbottom until happening upon Rustchains, a shop owned by, well, Braenria Rustchain. She agreed conduct a tattoo "procedure" for Water, but there's a problem. The ink she uses for the process is derived from the bladder of something called Ooze Beasts, and there is currently a shortage of said ink. If Water wants a tattoo, they'll need to go Ooze Beast hunting, which they quickly agreed to do.   Luckily, the rest of the Blasters agreed to accompany Water in this venture. So, it was out to the swamps surrounding Awa Harbor in search of "bait" for the beast. That bait turned out to be a stench kow , which smelled, according to our heroes, like "briny garbage water at low-tide, the sand beneath a disgusting boardwalk, and bro-kelp." Tasty!

Apparently, those scents are enticing to Ooze Beasts because the kow (along with some considered application of Gust and Prestidigitation from our explorers) lured not one, but three Ooze Beasts to the surface of the swamp. Uh oh!

A brutal battle began, as these beasts, though suffering innumerable damage from our crew, were able to bring both Water and Kasula Neristina into the dangerous world of the unconscious. Luckily, Kharlo Chondricht, Irk, and Captain Pitch kept up the onslaught long enough to send the beasts back to the gooey depths from which they emerged. Phew!
A short rest allowed for a gross excavation of not one, but two beast bladders, which is good, because Irk also began to feel the need for some ink. With the bladders in tow, the Blasters returned to Awa Harbor and Water underwent their "procedure," emerging with Sanska's Touch illuminated prominently on their forehead.

A Prickly Meeting

It was time, then, to meet with the Sibyl and discuss the happenings at Scaraval and what to do next. This meeting took place at the Gathering Hall, which Pitch took umbrage to, as they felt it was just another instance of authority "big-timing" the Blasters instead of paying attention to the dire threats faced by all the Isles. As a result, the Captain elected not to attend. This absence would, of course, be noted.

The meeting began well enough, with our heroes delivering a full report of the destruction of Scaraval and the Sibyl listening intently. It quickly turned contentious, however, as emotions ran high. The Blasters, sick of subterfuge and delay, questioned why they wouldn't just take Instrument, seek out and destroy the DreadSquid. Saltbloom, fresh from a prorogued session of self-recrimination and sorrow at the loss of more of her people (some of them close friends), reminded the Blasters that they aren't the only people of the Isles, and that they still didn't even know how to strike at this entity, and, further, Instrument isn't "Instrument" just yet, but instead a collection of "magic AF" components. Fortunately, Irk was handy with Calm Emotions (not before Kharlo stormed out, perhaps in solidarity with his captain), and some useful collaboration was able to be salvaged from the meeting. Saltbloom would address the Bari people once again in a Gathering, which she hoped that all would attend. After that, the Blasters were free to do as they saw fit, with the support--if they wish it--of the Sibyl. Water, acting as key mediator, agreed to take these terms back to the others.

The Gathering

It happened that our heroes did elect to attend the meeting, to help assuage the fears of the Bari people as much as anything. The grand reveal of a centuries old threat grown more powerful than ever might elicit perfectly rational feelings of abject terror, after all, and it might help to see some actual heroes present in the chamber. The Gathering itself was, as expected, a somber affair, with Saltbloom mourning those lost to Vo'ku'a. Then, she shifted tone, reminding the Bari that those that seek to destroy the Isles have faced the might of Otuna and Baena before, and that this will be no different. She mentioned that "this is a time for Heroes," and the Blasters took that as their cue to take the stage.

Captain Pitch offered up a speech that lent support to the Sibyl's words through their own actions, and reminded not to focus on the failures of communication--the necessity of secrets, but rather to take hope in the combined strength of the Bari. It was a rousing performance and added more credence to the Blaster's already establishing legend. The spectacle ended with Kharlo approaching the gong and signaling the end of the Gathering himself--a firm reminder to all that yes, there are heroes here and now is not the time for despair.

With the Gathering ended, it was time for the Blasters to think about where to head next in the fight against utter destruction. It seemed that all paths converged, for the moment, in Matahak. So that seems to be the next destination.

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see what Matahak offers the Blasters during our next session.  

Various & Sundry Details

  • Captain Pitch met with two of their patrons, Muumatak the Brackish and Kelpspinner Uvaniel, to inform them of what they already knew. Pitch did, however, get a solid lead. If the Blasters would but destroy a rival hag coven, then their patrons would see fit to provide them with a location that might prove useful in the fight against ruination. Pitch agreed--not that they had much of a choice--and got an compressed kelp eyeball to help guide them to where they need to go. It was very squishy.
  • Irk, working on this whole how to un-fossil an egg thing, met with Designer, a cleric of Rhagtar. Designer agreed to help, but needs to spend time with the egg to discover how to undo the "perversion" of stasis. Irk also made an offering of his other holy symbol. So, now, he's a cleric without a holy symbol--perhaps reflective of his new discovery of his need for a pantheon of gods.
  • Kharlo has designs on an "eyeball omelet." These are better left unsaid for the moment.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Muumatak the Brackish, hag and patron of Pitch
  • Kelpspinner Uvaniel, hag and patron of Pitch
  • Braenria Rustchain, magical tattoo artist
  • Designer, cleric of Rhagtar
  • Loshi Saltbloom, Sea Sibyl


from the Gathering archives:   You’ve seen this ceremony before. The recessed area, filled with saltwater and relics of the Vast. Seven obsidian stools. Tension high, almost as if the air itself could ignite. Or thunder. Or maybe both. The Speakers enter and take their seats on the stools, with one stool noticeably empty. You think back to Sardor Gliv, his one eye staring down tentacled oblivion, roaring into doom. The Sybil rises, nods to the dwarf, who strikes the pale whalebone gong with his bare fist.   THE GATHERING IS COMMENCED. SIBYL SALTBLOOM, YOU ARE FLOODED BY THE VAST, OTUNA WATCHES AND BAENA LISTENS. TO WHAT PURPOSE DO YOU RISE?   Saltbloom sinks her hands into The Vast at her feet, then pauses, and kneels, silent as the water climbs up her sea green robe.   Her voice, barely a whisper, dances around the chamber. “Vasttender Hardswim, esteemed Speakers, people of the Isles. I rise, with Otuna and Baena, to speak of destruction and ruination, of debasement and wonton savagery. Of a hardworking, tenacious town obliterated by cruelty and distortion.” She pauses again, her voice fragile and tender. “And of a friend, whose bravery is beyond words, whose dedication to his people will be carried by the tides everlasting.” She swallows, rises, and addresses the chamber at large.   “Scaraval is gone, fallen to the corrupted hordes of a menace that haunts our sacred waters. Lost with that settlement is Sardor Gliv—may Baena carry him in her palm. But we remain. And the question, too, remains—how do we proceed against such abject horror? Such devastating power?"   “Some of us might be tempted to run back to our home Isles, or to the mainland. To sequester ourselves away from threat and violence. But this is not the Bari way. Like our ancestors, we will take to the Vast and push back any who threaten our existence in these Isles. We will assert our right to live and die by our own means. These are our waters, and we will prove ourselves worthy of them in the face of vile encroachment.” Her face is one of fury and disgust, as if the very notion of the DreadSquid is a profanity against Otuna. And, indeed, it is.   When last we Gathered, I rose to proclaim Otuna’s Favor, which is a contest of shared burden and unity. That aimacle competition has now transformed into a fight for our very survival.” She pauses, coats her hands in the Vast creeping up her robe. “We know what it is we face. And we know how to fight it. We know that some of us may die—and that some already have—but we will not let this thing, this foul entity, take our people without consequence. We will draw this poison out, lance this boil, and witness our Isles born anew in the promise of Otuna.”   “Otuna’s Favor has ended. Celebrations will occur later. Because there will be later. There will be tomorrow, friends, and with that tomorrow will be victory toasts and tvelk, stories and boasts, and laughter among dear companions. But today? Today is a time for heroes. Today is a time for Instrument. Today is a time for blood and courage and all the things we privilege and prize.” “The Favor has ended. The Battle for Tomorrow has commenced.”
Report Date
16 Jan 2022
Primary Location
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