Winedark, Chapter Six Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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Winedark, Chapter Six

General Summary

Wherein the Blasters dress for success, practice some social repartee, and engage in some light dream combat  

The Vast Ain't The Only Drip on These Streets

With Marrowdall taking care of the dead (and naked) would be assassins and a full night's sleep, we find the Blasters greeting the morning with a quandary: do their current outfits correctly communicate the poise, grace, and reverence expected from Otuna's entry into Otuna's Favor? The answer is a resolute no way. So, Kharlo Chondricht, Water, and Irk decided to spend some time before the Gathering to see a tailor about some unified outfits (or, uniforms, as those in the biz like to call them) post-haste.   To do that, they relied on Kharlo's experience with Awa Harbor and he surely guided them to the best tailor in the city. Or, at least to the only tailor he was aware of. So, he led them to The Dapper Sailor in Bluebud and into the capable, if not overly talented, hands of Gruribelle Goldenthane. There, they were informed that, on such short notice, the best she could furnish on such short notice was some fetching sashes in blue and gold, with some embroidery work (the VB) and some light allusions to Otuna. Five of those were promptly purchased, and a duster jacket in sparkly gold for their captain, Pitch. These would be delivered to the Blasters as soon as possible--hopefully before the Gathering.   Speaking of Pitch, they decided that a stalwart captain is vigilant about the needs of their vessel and crew, so they headed down to see how the VastBlaster was bearing up and to warn the crew that some bonkers stuff might be headed their way soon. Turns out, Pitch is pretty good at inspiring confidence in their crew and they vowed to be ready to sail, come hell or high water or both.   Kasula Neristina took a slightly different tactic to prepare for tonight's Gathering. She headed back down to The Big Tub to see about planting some more shill seeds to generate a worthwhile acclaim for the Blasters. She located a particularly enthusiastic woman, whose name she would eventually discover is Zurdin Bammun, of the requisite social prowess and decided just to charm her. Like, literally charm her. So, she did that and instructed her to spread the good word about the crew that surely must be blessed by Otuna, as they have already retrieved a component of Instrument. She agreed to do just that.   With all of that underway, and dressed in their new uniforms, it was, finally, time to attend the Gathering.  

The Gathering

Your humble chronicler does not have the capacity or the wherewithal to adequately describe the reverence and pageantry of the Gathering, but will do their best to note the salient details. Sibyl Loshi Saltbloom began the affair with an impassioned speech about the importance of unity in uncertain times and offered insight as to why this Gathering had been called--to announce Otuna's Favor, that time-honored cultural contest that--usually--brings the Isles together in the spirit of comradely competition and cam serve as as stern rebuke to those who might consider the Isles weak. This particular Favor will concern the discovery and acquisition of components of Instrument. The entry that can bring in the most of these required tools wins both glory and great reward.

  The sponsored entries are:
  • Half-Drunk Flagon, captained by Stikk Gloomtooth, sponsored by Sharmo of Matahak
  • Orntime, captained by Bantaj, sponsored by Sardor Gliv of Holapo
  • The Squallrider, captained by Tealfin Seahoof, sponsored by Rohkuki of Cheltong
  • Lovely, captained by Ralk, sponsored by Six Bottle of Awa
  • The Bountiful Harvest, captained by Paddler, sponsored by Emon of Kalope
  • Puppenscub, captained by Dirk Nistay, sponsored by Faybyn Mosswater, second Speaker of Bragaki
  • Coffin Nail, captained by Skirl, sponsored by Verkuth Darrik of Luu
And, of course, after those entries were introduced, it was time for action. The praiseful seeds sown by the Blasters born fruit as some voices from the crowd called for Otuna to show herself in the form of whoever might be holding a part of Instrument. Captain Pitch seized this moment to rush down to the flooded floor and present, through a compelling, vital, and thoroughly impassioned speech, that they have the Line of the Instrument, and thus, Otuna's Blessing and must be considered to be her Entry.
Clearly, this caused some commotion, with some knowing and speculative glances at the Sibyl as she called the Otuna's Favor vote. After some back and forth discussion, it was unanimous. Even those who plot against Saltbloom, such as Sharmo and Sardor Gliv, had to vote with her, as to vote against would be to risk angering the present crowd.   Not everyone was happy with the Blasters, through--namely Zurdin, as she stared daggers at Kasula, clearly aware of being charmed and very, very displeased about that. Kasula did her best to mouth words of apology, but all she got in return was a serious glare.   With the Gathering concluded, it was time to enjoy some light refreshment and political maneuvering at the celebration reception.  

The "After" Gathering

Our Blasters took to the divide and conquer tactic to deal with this social engagement. Water set out, with Kharlo's encouragement, to speak with Captain Skirl of the Coffin Nail, as it turns out that is the very same figure they saw on the beach as they made a quick exit after rescuing Maltina. A surprisingly soft-spoken individual, Water detected no trace of malice or concern in their conversation. That doesn't mean, of course, that it wasn't there. But always good to put a name to a face, right?

Pitch, knowing the score in these type of events, made some perfunctory rounds and then high-tailed it out of there to get back to the Vast Blaster to get underway as soon as possible tomorrow, wherever that may be.

Irk engaged in some conversation about fate, the gods, and blessings with Six Bottle and Verkuth Darrik. The results of that dialogue are inconclusive, but Irk's devotion to Kogos and his belief in doing the will of the gods remains steadfast.

Kharlo just kinda cruised around, feeling the energy of the space, eating some tasty treats. Vibin', yo.

Kasula looked in vain for Zurdin, who was not present, but found one of her compatriots, Baf Glonsank. A bit star-struck, Baf agreed to talk a letter to Zurdin. In this letter, Kasula laid out, like, everything. All the secrets, all the information. Baf set out to deliver this mea culpa, which is definitely meant for Zurdin and nobody else and will hopefully stay that way.

The evening drew to a close and Marrowdall informed the Blasters that he would meet them at their ship tomorrow with some potential avenues to pursue. With that, the partiers headed back to their vessel for a good night's rest.

Yes, Of Course We're Going to Dream Fight

It wouldn't be a D&D campaign without at least one instance of dream fight, and it was Irk's honor to host the crew this time around. His dream featured himself and his shipmates fighting a veritable army of cultists, who were able to summon spouts of water and chanted something that sounded like a barrel of water splitting open. Of course, the Blasters were victorious, this time around, at least, so the question of if you die in a dream, do you die in real life remains yet unanswered.   Then, Orn rose, and with it, the promise of adventure.  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see what Otuna, the Vast, and various other entities have in store for the Blasters during our next session.    

Various & Sundry Details

  • Sashes weren't the only things gained from The Dapper Sailor. Kharlo got himself a nice bicorne hat. Irk found a delightful brooch with Kogos's sigil embossed on it, and Water found a bandana depicting various life events of some individual, which turned out to be magical in nature. What kind of magic could that possibly be?
  • Kharlo filled his pockets with shrimp during the Gathering's reception. It remains to be seen what that portends for our crew's gastronomical future.
  • Pitch recognized one of the names of the captains--Ralk. He is the son of the departed Duril Hookbreak and may wish to know of his father's fate.

Rewards Granted

Level 4!

Character(s) interacted with

  • Marrowdall Twinstar, agent of Saltbloom and "fixer" for the Blasters
  • Gruribelle Goldenthane, tailor "ordinaire" and owner of The Dapper Sailor
  • Zurdin Bammun, socialite, new nemesis of Kasula
  • Baf Glonsank, acquaintance of Zurdin
  • Skirl, captain of Coffin Nail
  • Six Bottle, Awan Waterspeaker
  • Verkuth Darrik, Waterspeaker from Luu


from "Sibyl Saltbloom's Gathering Address, Twenty Ashes, 1080 AC:"   Vasttender Hardswim, esteemed Speakers, welcomed guests, people of the Isles, I rise, with Otuna and Baena, to speak of uncertainty and unrest. Of encroachment and scheme, and of fellowship, shared burden, and the promise of unity. I rise to speak of the changing dynamics of power in the Alerki Ascendency, as the nascent resistance to that regime gathers its strength. To draw attention to the tension of Gattland, the people at war with themselves. To note the rumors of a mysterious plague--with no known cure--vanishing the population of the Free Cities of Marlock. To highlight the myriad troubling reports from Vardura. To underscore the roiling uncertainty that settles over our neighboring continents--this fog building in the distance.   I rise to speak of what emerges out of that fog. Inevitably, when the people of Keshloam feel the security of what they’ve so often taken for granted to be threatened, they look to the people of the Isles to sate their need for comfort. Because our Isles are smaller than their holdings and our population more disparate, they view us as a vessel for their anxieties. They use the Bari to fight their proxy wars with each other, with themselves, until their satisfaction with the new order is complete. We have bared witness, and borne the brunt of this failing, to this occurrence time and time again.   I rise to affirm that the Isles are no nation’s plaything. And to remind those that would offer us scorn and slight regard that, though we are less numerous, we are a powerful people, strong with tradition and united in a fierce belief in the future of the Isles.   I rise to assert that, in the presence of this fog of unrest and uncertainty, it is time to remind the entities that would plot and scheme against us, that those who underestimate us do so at their own peril.   I rise to call Otuna’s Favor.

This is the first time I’ve called our sacred contest and I do so now after seeking guidance among the Matron for many tides.

Like all of the Favors of record, this endeavor will arrange Isle against Isle in amicable competition, embracing friendly rivalry and shared struggle as hallmarks of cultural unity.

Also like all other Favors, deliberating sabotaging, harming, or otherwise interfering with another Isle entry is anathema to the spirit of the contest and will have relevant consequences.

Our contest will be to bring together that which is currently scattered--an ancient weapon of importance and power translated from venerable texts as “Instrument,” a weapon that is singularly Bari and that will serve as evidence of our commitment to both the traditions of our past and our willingness to defend our right to a future.

It is our custom for each Isle sponsoring an entry to introduce the participants. Let us honor that custom now
Report Date
06 Jul 2021
Primary Location


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