Winedark, Chapter Fourteen Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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Winedark, Chapter Fourteen

General Summary

Wherein our heroes gain an alchemical ally, demonstrate their strength in a proving ground, and complete a dragon's demand  

Uninvited Experiments

The Blasters, tasked by Zoth to rid his volcano of troublesome kobolds, set about to do just that--by eliminating an alchemical experiment gone wrong, a sort of obsidian ooze that leaked fire. Clearly, this was an eradication concern, so combat was in order. The battle proved to be a stalwart one, but our heroes still emerged victorious and were able to reunite the kobolds with their kin trapped by the oozes.    While all kobolds of this tribe, the Firebelch, have agreed to leave Rosepua, not all will be leaving the Blaster's company. A curious alchemist named Tokba has agreed to sail with our crew. As he was significantly responsible for the obsidian oozes, time will tell if this is a good idea or not.   Before Tokba left to join the VastBlaster crew, he mentioned that two other kobold tribes, the Blackscales and the Red Band remain. The Blackscales, led by Kag, value martial strength and prowess. The Red Band are numerous, but aren't as steeped in violence.    It was decided to see what Kag was all about. So the Blasters headed north to seek the Blackscales out.  

To the Strongest

The Blackscales were found without difficulty and our adventurers managed to wrangle an audience with Kag. They agreed to leave the caverns on one condition, that our explorers survive an encounter in their arena, proving that they are, indeed, strong and worthy of the respect offered by the Blackscales. Sure, why not.    This proved to be a nearly catastrophic decision as the Blasters faced wave after wave of firesnakes, MAGMA BEARS, and two burly fire elementals. Luckily, Otuna (and lightning) must have been on their side, as they emerged victorious from brutal combat once again. Kag, as good as his word, rounded up the Blackscales to seek more fiery pastures.   Two kobold tribes down. One to go.  

Job Done

Gearing themselves up for what is sure to be another fight, our heroes were surprised when the Red Band tribe just agreed to leave after a brief intimidation. Nice! With all the kobolds either having left or in the process of leaving the caverns, it was time to head back to Vandrizoth to get their just reward--the Instrument's barb.  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll witness our heroes triumphant return to Zoth during our next session.  

Various & Sundry Details

  • Captain Pitch found themselves in the possession of a stuffed corgi apparently called Seadog. Snuggling with said corgi provides a most restful experience.
  • Water found opportunity to use his ale backpack. It was quite effective.

Rewards Granted

Seadog, a snugglebeast strongly resembling a corgi.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Tokba, adventurous kobold alchemist
  • Kag, warlord of the Blackscales
Report Date
12 Sep 2021
Primary Location


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