STATIC 34: Mysteries of the Patch Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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STATIC 34: Mysteries of the Patch

General Summary

Wherein our heroes navigate the dangers of Brannok's Patch  

Devils & Dragons

Alomera, Goddess of Dream, was very weak indeed, and had little time to speak with our Blinkertons. She bade them to continue to follow Venomhead, as he'll lead him to her old temple, located somewhere in this forest. This is a place of power for her, so hopefully she'll have more strength to contact them then.   After a much needed rest, our heroes followed Venomhead as he lead them deeper into Brannok's Patch. They came across a strange sight--a denizen of The Nethers , surrounded by carcasses, bones, and dried blood. He proclaimed himself to be "Ra'a'l of the Blood Garden" and vowed to use their blood to appease his overlord, The Forgotten Gardener. Clearly a Displaced individual, Ra'a'l was convinced that shedding enough blood for his ruler would earn his ticket back home. Our heroes managed to talk him out of that plan, stating that he should follow them instead, because there is sure to be more blood in his future, and maybe spilling that blood would work. Ra'a'l agreed. A nice little entourage is forming.   Wandering through the Patch lead them across the lair of a Forest Emperor--a kind of quasi insect-dragon. Combat ensued, and it was tough, but rendered less tough by the formidable presence of Raal. After combat, Ra'a'l seemed to Displace once again. Our heroes got the sense that they hadn't seen the last of him, though.   Their fight with the Forest Emperor left them all feeling stronger. This was a good thing as they were soon after set upon by Banderhobbs. After another hard fought victory, our Blinkertons came across a giant wolf that seemed very concerned. Thinking quickly, Corinna Himmelswander cast Speak with Animals and found out that the wolf's companion is in need of aid. They followed the wolf as he lead them to a badly wounded gnome ranger. They patched her up and she thanked them, introducing herself as Niwyn Starkspell and her companion, Cheese. Recognizing her as of The Wheel, our gumshoes learned that she considers it her duty to protect the northern part of Brannok's Patch from threats. One of those threats is a Green Dragon that nearly did her in, and would have done so if not for the aid of our Blinkertons. Never one to leave an unchecked danger roaming about, our heroes decided to help Stark hunt down this dragon.  


Following the trail south lead them into an unfortunate development. Our heroes sprung some sort of trap, rooting them in place inside giant balls of transparent goo. Stark explained that they had apparently wandered into the territory of the Verdstow--a reclusive community within the Patch. Sure enough, fey and sylvan warriors emerged from the woods and literally rolled them into their settlement. The Verdstow community is nestled among the canopies of some of the Patch's largest trees--a complex of literal tree houses.   There, they were greeted by Naelroston, who appeared to be a village elder. Fortunately, he knew and recognized Stark, and she was able to explain the situation. It seemed that the Green Dragon has also been plaguing the Verdstow people, so they would also lend their aid to this task. And, perhaps when the dragon was dealt with, they might know about a temple?   First, though, they offered our heroes some cordial, if not overwarm, hospitality.   It was during the occasion of this hospitality that Goos found himself Displaced, coming face-to-face with the Forgotten Gardener, ruler of the 492nd Tract of the Nether called the Blood Garden. The Gardener regarded this as a very interesting development.  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll discover the nature of Goos' Displacement as The Blood Orchard is explored .  

Varied & Sundry Details

  • The Verstow are a communal people, nourishing themselves via a communal perpetual stew and resting in communal lodgings.

Rewards Granted

  • Level 10!

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ra'a'l--bound to the Forgotten Gardener, ruler of the 492nd Tract of the Nether called the Blood Garden
  • Cheese--companion of Stark
  • Niwyn Starkspell--follower of The Wheel, companion to Cheese
  • Naelroston--respected elder of Verdstow
Report Date
04 Jan 2024
Primary Location


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