STATIC 27: Into the Ceaseless Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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STATIC 27: Into the Ceaseless

General Summary

Wherein the Blinkertons navigate their Driftmechs through a expanse of pink crystal and encounter a new ally  

The Ceaseless Drift

As the consciousnesses of The Interdimensional Blinkerton Detective Agency mingled with their respective Driftmechs, Tridge experienced another vision from Elaugzar Wyrdloom--called Auggie--designed to help steer our heroes through the void and echo of The Ceaseless Drift. He entreated her to cast her eyes toward the horizon, follow the trail of pink smoke, and to help whomever they find at the source.   Thus, trusting in Auggie's vision, the Blinkertons set out. As they approached the smoke, the tell-tale sounds of combat emerged, along with another Driftmech locked in mortal combat with a goddamn purple worm. Reasoning that this must be whomever they are to assist, the Blinkies leapt into the fray, Driftmechs firing on all cylinders. With this added assistance, the purple worm proved no challenge. After the fight, the Blinkertons met Goos Hillman and his Driftmech, Slimenaut. It seems that they were led here because Goos is the guardian of Astrolabe, a clockwork bird that can apparently lead them to Auggie.   With the understanding that the skein of the various fates seem to be interwoven--at least for the moment--the Blinkertons and Goos set out to follow the bird, who was apparently leading them to Eldheim for reasons unknown.   On the way there, they encountered another Driftmech in combat with what appears to be Driftmechs that have somewhat lost their way. The embattled Driftmech, who introduced itself as KURG, was grateful for their assistance in dealing with this threat and granted them some of his power in the form of Drift Essence that enabled our heroes to use various abilities. Nice!   Soon enough, our heroes reached a massive pink crystalline door. Moving through it caused them to emerge from their Driftmechs into the comfortable environs of Eldheim. They had arrived.  

Respite at the Mead Hall at the Center of All Things

Eldheim, it became clear, was sort of a pan-dimensional gathering place for all kinds of folk, including "noble travelers" such as our brave adventurers. They were met by Esastrov, the proprietor and presumedly a divine entity herself. Upon noticing the clockwork bird, she gave them a magical recording from Auggie:  
Hail Adventurers! I am Elaugzar Wyrdloom, but I suspect you know that if you made it thus far. I hope you’ll be willing to go just a bit further. I do hope you have Astrolabe with you, otherwise this will present several problems. If you don’t have the bird, get the bird. And if you have the bird, then follow the bird. It will lead you to me. I need your help, and you need mine.
  There was little time to digest that, however, as the mead hall became encased in magical darkness as entities loyal to a devious divine entity known as Salofarrik, the Venom in the Dark, attacked. Our heroes were once again engaged in combat and once again emerged victorious. In gratitude, Esastrov offered hospitality for the evening, which our Blinkertons gratefully accepted.  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see what other perilous encounters The Ceaseless Drift holds for The Interdimensional Blinkerton Detective Agency during our next session.  

Varied & Sundry Details

  • A crystalline cat took a liking to Tridge. In a inspired moment, she named it Crys. It seems quite fond of her.
  • Esatrov also offered each adventurer a nice meal of their favorite food. For Nero, this was Cinnamon Toast Pedes. Goos had a nice rutabega steak, with shredded rutabega on the side. Tridge, following suit, enjoyed a carrot steask. Osborn, however, had a little bit of every fancy dish he's ever had, including delicate quail eggs. Lastly, Fritz, perhaps a bit home sick, had some apple dumplings. This is all important information.
  • Speaking of important information, our heroes played some rousing games of Hammerschlagen. Tridge outwitted her opponent through keen insight. Nero literally punched a nail into the wood, flummoxing his goliath opponent named Dorothy. Osborn, facing off against a four armed humanoid named Boro, outhanded his rival. Truly, a dazzling display of skill.

Character(s) interacted with

  • KURG--a Driftmech manifestation of Kurganak, furious follower of the Storm Lord
  • Esastrov--called the Meadeye, operator of Eldheim
Report Date
06 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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