Drybeak Monastery Building / Landmark in Gavros | World Anvil
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Drybeak Monastery

Tucked precariously into the cliff-like slopes of Mount Shellsmoke (a semi-active volcano known commonly as The Burnpile), Drybeak Monastery is home to a unique sect of Sanska devotees.   Led by Roshi Stilldrop, 69th reincarnation of Birdrop, revered avatar of Sanska, the monks of Drybeak practice a form of codified interpretive dance, aided by an alcoholic drink known as The Sacrament, brewed and distilled by these monks from the firefruit of the trees that flourish here in the smoldering acrid soils of Shellsmoke.   The monks of Drybeak believe that Mount Shellsmoke is the site of the historical Sanska’s enlightenment, and have vowed to preserve and protect the island. Considered a worthless and hellish wasteland by most, these monks of The Burnpile have found very little difficulty over the centuries in fulfilling their vow.
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