Clownrose Dive Organization in Gavros | World Anvil
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Clownrose Dive

Clownrose Dive was a Brass Lamb cell, operating in and around Riverskint.

Members of Clownrose Dive

  • Duke of Laughter (halfing, male)--the de facto leader of the cell, was found with his throat slashed in Coin, an event that caused the Lamb to investigate.
  • Boatish (gnome, female)--caught and hanged by the Alerki Ascendency.
  • Starwhirled (human, male)--was missing, members of Alley Sleepers witnessed his execution in Sallow.
  • Mute (female, tabaxi)--found dead in Sallow, her eyes and tongue removed.
  • Limpdance (human, male)--found dead, full of stab wounds, in Leanfields.
  • Bent Card (elf, non-binary)--was missing, found being worshipped as a god by bugbears, liberated from luxurious confinement by the Alley Sleepers.
  • Lyric Witch (half-elf, female)--was missing, found in [...] by the Alley Sleepers.
  • Dizzy Biscuit (human, female)--previously incarcerated in Riverskint, freed by the Alley Sleepers (in concert with cells Pale Bell and Mad Spine)
  • Basic Iron Wave (dwarf, male)--discovered to be working with The Crescent. Neutralized and released into the custody of "Porter" and Lyric Witch.


It was infiltrated and compromised by Basic Iron Wave, working as a member of The Crescent. The surviving members dispersed.

1078 - 1080

Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
CRD, Clown
Clowns, Divers
Parent Organization


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