Gates of eternity Lotaringia joins Frankia.

Lotaringia joins Frankia.

Military action


Following the last Lanoirenn expansion - and conquest of Ferrica - Lotaringia became a small state, now on the border between Frankia and Lanoirenn. It decided to choose its fate for himself.

Situation of Lotaringia was, to say the least, bad. On the border of being disastrous. On one side it had a powerful elven state with revanchist tendencies. On another - an expansive human empire that wanted to conquer it to finish unifying local humans.

  At that point its fate was practically sealed - it was guranteed to fall, this way or another. It decided to choose their fellow humans, soon officially becoming a vassal state of frankish emperors. It also led to something that couldn't be predicted back then - setting todays de iure (and de facto for most of the time) borders between Frankia, and Elvhara. Also those between what is considered Western Karathia and Central Karathia.

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