Gates of eternity Karathian Council assembled

Karathian Council assembled

Political event


In the aftermath of xyl nigh extinction, elves decide to become an independent political entity.

As the Kraad Technocracy assembled its forces and begun its military expansion throughout Karathia and western Arzia, various independent elven states - grown on the ruins of Dominion - decided to make an attempt of achieving at least some semblance of political unity.

  The council - created by representatives of every major elven group and hosted in Elvharian Forest - debated for nearly two months, finally comming to terms and thus creating a Confederacy of Fourty Tribes - first truly elven state.

  Due to lack of advanced technology - with Xyls never teaching any of them to their slaves - they were woefully unable to muster enough military forces to repel mechanized forces of the Technocracy that were quickly expanding. Thankfully, the Kraads had no intention of conquering entirety of land, fully satisfied by settling a closed cities (with majority of them underground) surrounded by subjugated and slowly integrated elven and ogre tribes, most of them still holding some semblance of states.

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