Gates of eternity Xylian-Mechanic War

Xylian-Mechanic War

Military action


As Xylian move to annex the now abandoned Lana, they face yet another threat.

As Xylians attempted to annex the now abandoned Lana - with hope of discovering what exactly happened to its inhabitants, as Kivanthians decided to withheld informations about their Ascendancy from their hated enemies - they are faced by even greater threat.

  Mechanics, an obscure supercivilization of unknown origins, centered among several artificial isles north from Lana, decided to intervene.

  Mechanics - in fact a singular sentient AI - decided to intervene as Xylians discovering the secrets of kivanthian technology were deemed as obstacle for its plans.

  Xylians had no idea how much more powerful the Mechanics were... and an AI decided to avoid informing them about it. Legions of warmachines it sent against them were strong, but beatable. Xylians in the end lost and were pushed outside of Lana, but after actually achieving several victories. Never again they attempt to annex Lana.

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