Shimmer Character in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Imperial Goddess, Lady of Light, Sunlit Sovereign.

Shimmer is a divine epitome of order and stability. She is a divine patron of any societal order, as long as it is stable and there is no systematic oppression on its foundation. She is a goddess of equality of chances, a divinity of utopia, a patron of meritocracy. And also one of the greatest radicals amongst the Gods of White Pantheon, being considered a dangerous extremist by many.   She rules over Skyhaven, her own personal dimension in The Heavens, that also serves as an afterlife for her faithful, that shared her incessant desire to improve the world in any way possible, sometimes ready to resort to rather... extremist measures.


Skyhaven is the personal realm of Shimmer in the Heavens. It is portrayed as a place of breathtaking beauty. A land amongst the skies, whose inhabitants live on a multitude of floating isles. Each of it tailored to a perfection and beauty impossible to be achieved in the Reality. It is said that a simple glance on the lands of Skyhaven is enough to convert even the most staunch enemies of Shimmer, as no mortal heart might remain unchanged after looking at place so perfect.   In the middle of it lies the City of the Sun. A city equally glorious to the rest of the Skyhaven, created by Shimmer from sunlight and rainbows. Perfection manifested. An utopia made material. All of its inhabitants - be it the Dead or daemons - are equal before Shimmer. It is an equality of chances, not of outcomes. The city is a meritocracy, where all efforts are rewarded justly by the divine overlord of this universe.   The Shimmer herself resides in the Citadel of Light, a fortress towering above the City. It was never succesfully attacked, as even the mightiest daemon hosts were repelled by the legions of its zealous defenders. Despite the White Pantheon as a whole being rather reserved when it comes to Shimmer's eternal crusade, not a single of the other Gods wish to see the Citadel captured.   Because beneath the Citadel lies the one of the most important places in the Heavens. The Crystalline Prison. Place where Shimmer imprisons captured servants of Black Pantheon. Every being imprisoned there is permanently taken out of the Great Game. She rarely bothers herself with beings that aren't archdaemons or similar beings. Not a single prisoner ever escaped from this place. Nobody even knows how this place looks like, as only its wardens can leave it, and they aren't exactly talkative.


During the Great Game - fought in Dark and Light - Shimmer commands a vast armies of the Dead and her own servile daemons alike. An examples are:   Angels - A standard servant of Shimmer. A shard of her own powers given shape and personality. Considered a fully sapient creatures, to the point that many of them deserts and searches for other sovereigns. They manifest as beautiful, winged humanoids, as perfect as their creator.   Rainbow Dragon - Acording to the myths, ithe creatures was created due to Shadow mocking creatures of Shimmer for being colourful like rainbows. Rainbow Dragon is pure white dragon whose 'breath' is essentially a rainbow-coloured laser, with every colour causing different type of damage, including all elements and para-elements at once, plus of course light magic.   Skyhaven Exorcist - Skyhaven Exorcists are favoured Dead of Shimmer. A walking beacons of her power, not only using powerful Light Magic to support their allies, but also existing as a natural counter to evil magic, weakening it (and daemons aligned to it) with their sheer presence.

Divine Domains

Light, Sun, Order, Authority

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sword pointing downwards, with an angelic wings surrounding it.


The most holy day of Shimmer is the day summer's solstice, when the sun is up the longest. There are many local festivals and celebrations dedicated to her that play on that day.

Physical Description

Body Features

Always manifests as a feminine humanoid looking like it was 'woven' with nothing but sunlight. The clothes she wears vary - its either a beautiful gown, or a plate armour that looks like it was forged from a bright white metal decorated with copius amounts of gold and jewels.

Facial Features

Beautiful. That's everything that those who saw her have to say. It is so beautiful, that no words in any language are fit to describe her facial features.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She is a child of Ember, an Imperial God of Honour, and Death, Imperial Goddess of Death and Afterlife. She has many siblings: Warmaidens, Hammer, Audacity, Demiurge, Malice and Shadow. The last two are her twins, that she personally hates. According to one of the myths, Shadow almost strangled her to death with an umbilical cord during their birth, so the hatred is definitely mutual.   Shimmer is frequently shown in various myths, especially as oponent of the Black Pantheon. While Ember prefers the Heavens to stay like they are and focus on defense (hence the Free Duchies, the fortified borderlands that stop all Black Pantheon incursions), she wants to go on an offensive. Attack the Gehenna, lay waste to it, ruin it to the point when it won't be able to ever endanger the wellbeing of the Heavens, then probably install Tyrant as the puppet ruler of the smoldering ruins, when the wrongdoings will be forever punished.   Her crusade is everlasting, and she devotes every fiber of her being to prosecuting it, commanding her armies from the Citadel of Light, and amassing growing number of fervent devotees in the Light.


Nonexistent. Her entire being is concentrated on eradication of evil from the world. She lacks time (at least according to myths) to pursue love interests. There are no daemons claiming to be her descendant, though she treats the inhabitants of Skyhaven as her children (even referring to her as that).

Morality & Philosophy

Shimmer is a personification of just, orderly society. One where people are judged solely by their actions, where all efforts are rewarded, and the only way to fail is to act against the society. Where crimes are punished, laws are just, and nobody is left abandoned.   She also follows the 'who doesn't work doesn't eat' rule. Those that willingly remove themselves from the society should be disregarded by it as well. Those that cannot work, however, should be helped, as it isn't their fault and as a mortals beings they deserve to be treated with respect.   She loves meritocracy, efficiency and laws. There is a limit to the last part, however. The laws that aren't just have to be opposed. In a lawful ways, if it's possible, but one can resort to violence (targeted only at the wrongdoers) if there is no other option.   In short - she would be a perfect Goddess of white side. One that supports a lawful and orderly society... but is relentless when it comes to those that pervert such society. That rewards the efforts, and chastises those that refuse to make any. Punishing evil, and rewarding good. But... there is a problem.   She is TOO relentless. Shimmer wants nothing but complete and utter annihilation of evil as an opposing side of good, leaving nothing but a smoldering ruin of Gehenna, where those who failed to live like they should will be properly punished. She is an epitome of a greater good, ready to sacrifice few to improve lives of thousands... without a slightest remorse.   Without a doubt, she does make the world a better place... but for a cost.


Social Aptitude

Has an authority. And prefers to show it. Mortals are beneath her, after all - she is more than content in guiding them for their own good, but there has to be a clear hierarchy. Most of her manifestations (in most cases - to her Chosen One) are pretty flashy, with loud noises (even trumpets). She also tends to show who is the boss quite often, even in her speech.
Divine Classification
Varies between manifestations.
Varies between manifestations.
Varies between manifestations.
Varies between manifestations.
Known Languages
As a God, she understands and speaks all languages.


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