Moorside Settlement in Garlan | World Anvil


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In comparison to most cities in Varenfall, Moorside is rather small, with a measly population of around 6700. Filled with seasoned fishermen, lively pub goers, and sailors from all over the world who have come to bargain for the fish native to the Ashen Gulf.


Being a port city, it sees a lot of travellers and adventurers of all different races. The most common of these races being humans, as the settlement itself is was established by them. However, it's Halfling population is on the rise, and with Moorside being a common stop amongst travellers, it also has a high population of Half Elves. On average, it's demographics are as follows:
  • Human - 29%
  • Halfling - 26%
  • Half-Elf - 21%
  • Gnome - 7%
  • Dwarf - 6%
  • Half-Orc - 4%
  • Tiefling - 4%
  • Elf - 3%

Industry & Trade

Moorside's most important exported goods is the fish it reels in from the Ashen Gulf. There are a number of native fish species that live and thrive in the gulf's waters, such as the Jadetail Trout, the Crimsonfin Shark, and Ashengulf Swordfish - the latter of which is considered a delicacy among the wealthier folk.


Official founded in 1857 IDY by a group small group of 22 humans. These humans were not adventurers, like so many in those days, nor did they appear to have any sort of magical capabilities. They were working class citizens, looking for a new patch of land to call home, away from dull and shaded mountainside.   Initially weary of the Ashen Gulf to the east, for never had they seen waters so ominously grey, they eventually agreed to settle upon the coastal lands - if only for a short period of time. A couple of weeks later, they found themselves with diminishing rations and a lack of land based creatures to hunt. A couple older men, who had spent their days along the rivers cruising down the mountain sides, suggested they look to the gulf to fish in spite of it's greying waters.   Their first few fishing attempts were lackluster, but over time and with a great deal of perseverance, they began to catch substantial hauls. The small group improved their skills, crafted boats that could maneuver the gulf's waters with a comforting ease, and began to build housing when more and more travellers started to pass through. The port fast became a place of trade, growing to a population of around 500 within the year. Trade within Moorside gained another hefty boost when word got out about the infamous Ashengulf Swordfish - the first of which was caught in the Summer of 1854 IDY.


Flat, low-lying plains that transition from soil and grassland in the northwestern areas, to sandy coasts in the southeast. From the port onlookers can see the grey, murky waters of the Ashen Gulf.

Natural Resources

A variety of fish species - both native and found across all of Garlan, limestone, and clay.
Around 6700
Inhabitant Demonym
Moorer's, Gulfer's

Cover image: by SunlanceXIII


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