Orc Species in Garatha | World Anvil
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The Orcs are a complicated people, painted with a very simple brush. They are living in a word that does not care for them, surrounded by people who are hellbound on hating them. They are no Illisian angels of course, but they are no demons of the abyss. Something that applies so easily to the rest of the people on Garatha, and yet...
— Olaf Gifjern, A study on the Orcish people

Basic Information


Orcs of Garatha tend to look rather intimidating for a number of reasons. On average, the men stand at 6ft 7, weighing just under 300 pounds, with women at an average height of 6ft 4 and 200 pounds in weight. In addition to such large figures, orcs have a relatively low fat to muscle ratio, thanks to their very active lifestyle and harsh environments in which they live. Whilst both sexes tend to be rather large and muscular, there is clear sexual dimorphism amongst the orcs, very much similar to that observed amongst humans.

Tusks on orcs can range from small protrusions, to large, exposed front teeth which push the jaw forwards, giving a distinct overbite. Most orcish children grow tusks around the age of 4-7. This is seen as a biological introduction to the orcish society, regardless of sex.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like most sapient species native to the material plane, orcs reproduce via viviparity, also known as live birth. A full blooded orcish pregnancy lasts 11 months, with half orcish children having a gestation period of 9 and a half to 10 months. Orcs can produce offspring with any sapient race on Garatha, which has led to a large population of half orcs in Toruvaje and the Prakkra region of Zoran. The non-orcish parentage of a half-orc can be deduced through observation of the individual. Half orcs with human ancestry don't differ all that much from their orcish parents; they are simply slightly shorter. Dwarf parented half orcs tend to be much shorter and a have a higher fat to muscle ratio. Half orcs with elven ancestry are leaner and tend to have pointed ears. Gnomish blooded half orcs are extremely rare, as the pregnancy is often fatal to the mother and the baby is often born premature.

Growth Rate & Stages

The life expectancy of an orc is 190 years. This number is particularly low for a long living people thanks to their conflict heavy lifestyle. An orcish boy is said to reach physical maturity at the age of 12. Girls are considered to enter womanhood with their first menstrual period. "Middle" age is reached upon one's 200th birthday and old age is reached at the age of 275. Consequently, the life expectancy of a half orc will vary depending on their non-orcish parent.

Dietary Needs & Habits

The most commonly encountered orcs are native to the Toruvaje region, which is largely a sandy desert. This has greatly affected orcish dietary habits; smoked and cured hams, crunchy insects and diluted venom are all staples of orcish cuisine. Different fish based dishes are also common amongst orcs, as are bananas and coconuts, which have proved to have several uses outside of consumption.
None of the guards heard them approach. None of the guards saw them. By the time any of us were aware that our camp was compromised, it was too late. They moved silently, taking out the watch one by one. They took our food, our supplies, and left, leaving a crudely made note. I am pretty sure it was meant to signify the words "fuck off our land."
— Janas ir Norgor, Letters from My Travels

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Majority of the modern orcish population resides within the Toruvajan desert. Tribes ranging in sizes from small villages to bustling towns are scattered across the wilds, in eternal conflict with one another. Outside of Toruvaje, small pockets of orcish civilisation have been noted in the jungle of Gal-Daar to the north, and even a singular, small tribe on the Valan isles.

Average Intelligence

The idea of an unwashed orcish brute is a northern Zorani idea. Whilst lacking in what one may describe as a "classical education" (reading, mathematics etc), they are often very well educated in their field. Whether it be tactical know-how, herbalism, religion or farming, an orc's practical knowledge is often surprising. Language barriers and only a recent introduction of the written word into Orcish society is what has largely led to a misconception of orcs as unintelligent brutes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs can see perfectly in the dark; this fact is often the first thing a young merchant learns in Toruvaje. Thanks to this sensory ability, orcish warriors are infamous for their nighttime raids on caravans and travelling merchants. Some rumours suggest that orcish tribes that remain within the northern jungles possess the ability to innately sense magic, and even sustain themselves off of it instead of food.
Scientific Name
Magnitudinem Bellum
Average Height
6'4" - 7'1"
Average Weight
190 lbs - 370 lbs
Average Physique
Whether found in the desert, the jungle or in the freezing wastes, orcs are always large, and strong. Their environment has been teaching the same lesson for millennia; only the strongest survive. They are muscular, broad, and aim to always aim to be as strong as their bodies allow. Those born weaker are taught to overcome their nature, or learn to be quicker instead.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orcs come in various shades of green, brown and even shades of grey. Black and brown hair colours are most common, although auburn has been observed in around 1% of the orcish population. Eye colours range from dark brown, through hazel to rare occurrences of blue or grey.
Ethnicity | Sep 28, 2019

The desert orcs of Toruvaje

Geographic Location | Sep 25, 2019

The golden desert of the north

Articles under Orc


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Oct 2, 2019 11:50 by Jimmy Shrekson

So how well-paid are dentists who work with orcs?

Oct 2, 2019 13:10

Not well enough, as I'm sure they would argue!

Oct 2, 2019 17:15 by Jimmy Shrekson

So like British dentists but with extra degrees of separation from being human (the Brittanians have modified themselves to be capable of running off of nothing but tea and coffee so that they no longer need sleep... or that might just be me).

Oct 2, 2019 19:11

I'm not a Brit so this may be a foreign concept to me.... what is this... sl-eep?

Oct 2, 2019 19:15 by Jimmy Shrekson

So, the great plague has spread beyond our borders? Then we have failed to contain it... the only thing to do now is... well, what else? Drink a barrel or 6 of tea.