Peafly Species in Gandrain | World Anvil
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The living flowers.

A beautiful flying animal the peafly has a colorful history just as its colorful wings.

Basic Information


The peafly's body is about half the size of a fist but including its wingspan it almost doubles in size when the wing rap around it. The wings are thin membranes that catch and pillow air, shot through the edges of the membrane are muscles that allow the animal to direct the otherwise uncontrolled skin. There are only three places connecting these muscles to the larger body of the animal. The membrane circles the creature like a plate with the main body in the middle. The peafly does not posses eyes instead it uses air currents and vibration to sense its environment and smell to track, it is the only fly animal to completely lack eyes. It prefers plants to the small bugs and dead fish matter, its main course of food gathering is waiting under other animals for them to drop pieces as they eat or catch things on its wings where it can then direct, like a shive, to its mouth. This is one reason for the large brightly colored wings when it can't see. Bugs are attracted to the flower like colors.

Genetics and Reproduction

Peafly breeding happens when a female peafly puts off a scent marker in her nest if the nest is found by a male he either leaves his own scent or some kind of gift for her if he really wants to mate. If the female likes the scent or gift she will track the male and they will bond returning to the females next where they will mate once she is pregnant she will stay in the nest until the babies are born while the male will gather food in his wings to bring back. If he fails or the female rejects him she will put off a distressed scent meant to attract other females to drive him off and care for the female during the pregnancy often her sisters will be near by since they nest close to their mother while males search for nests of females. Once the children are born the attending females will take the children as their own as repayment or the husband i he didn't fail which is rare will build new nests for them to move into and show the males to fly.

Growth Rate & Stages

Peaflys are pregnant for about a year before birth, the result is usually because the females store sperm then slowly let each child grow, about 2 months until she has given birth a total of between 5-9 times. Once born females live for about 15 years and males about 3, the reason being males without nests die and females are not good at staying interested. Most males leave the nest weeks after being born and slowly make their way between family nest clusters until they make it to unclaimed territory then if they make it to a knew cluster they bounce between usually two cluster two to three females per cluster before they are killed by lack of protection or exposure to elements.

Ecology and Habitats

Peaflies are most common in warm places with lots and lots of thick jungle or savanna. Some make their nests up high or in the crux of trees or burrows. Most live alongside other animals using them for protection in return the peafly clean the den and hides scents that attract predators for small animals. Peaflys are also excellent nannies for young as they have a habit of adopting.

Biological Cycle

Peaflies curl into balls when it get cold only flaring out for food dropping in the winter, during long nights they glow like some plants to attract bugs. During the summer however they are very active and make sock piles of things such as moss and bug wings. During the long day they reflect light.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Female peafly's control nests and build family clusters while males are subject to their whims however most clusters have one male nest. This male nest is for older peaflies and is supported by the cluster, both females and males live in it when they become to old to bear offspring. This nest is one of the reasons pearlies are thought to be incredibly intelligent as often animals will abandon their old.


Peaflies are rather easy to domesticate once they make a nest they include their nest mate into their family cluster. Once humans had male nests with in their peafly nurseries they where garnered domesticated peaflies.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Peaflys are used for their wings which make beautiful clothing and accessories. The live animals are used as warning systems and messengers. (Respectively females and males.)

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The peafly is common on the islands of mandor and inland around the jungles and hills.

Average Intelligence

Peaflies are rather smart and remember smells for their whole life. They have a sense of family ties, adoption form each other and other animals. They even repay debts and grow bored. They love to play and fly and won't eat foods they don't like unless starving. Though in general many think because of the pearls beauty and size they have small intellects they are very loyal to they nest mates.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Peafly's mainly feel the environment through vibration, air current shifts and sent. The wing membranes catch and relay sensory information while the points of smell exist near the mouth also funnel to these points by the wings. Peafly's remember things via smell. This means tame pearlies will always return to familiar smells and are driven away easily by smoke and in extreme cases heavy fog or mist unless the area is prone to them. Also heavy perfumes and scents can either draw or repel pearlies off their path which means as messengers they can be interfered with.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The peafly is symbolic and can not build its own nest, though males can often find abandoned or soon to be occupied spaces and scent mark them in preparation to receive females or animals. Many small creature find habitats by scent markers left by pearlies for their young.
3-15 cycles
Conservation Status
The wild peafly is considered untouchable, more particularly the commonly called darflee. The darflee is the branch of peafly without colorful wings that has been breed to endanger levels but is critical to he health of the species as when bread for color the wing size also increases until they can no longer fly. The darflee population have traits for speed and survival unlike their tame brethren. If darflee carcuses are found the perpetrator is striped of the skin around their wrists. This works as a mark for traders and messengers as a poacher and resource stealer.
Average Length
Between 1 foot(darflee)-2 meters(peafly, no longer able to fly at this length)
Average Physique
The average peafly is about the size of a medium sized bird when unfurled and very colorful, often the front and back of their wings have two very different color patterns on them, such as green, blue on one side and pink orange on the other. There are often small thread like substances threaded through these wings that are colorless in the light but glow on command in the dark.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The body of the creature is usually blacke or brown with very old ones taken of hues of grey.


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