Ensis of DarOav Item in Gandrain | World Anvil
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Ensis of DarOav

It was said long ago that there were seven. Seven keys and seven locks. The Ensis is one of them. Ensis was carried into battle by great warriors who led their people to victory and where guided by the gods the weapon was oringaly forged for. Though the most common gods called to the sword are Dar and Oav other religions have claimed the sword was part of their stories long before the religion claimed it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Ensis is the first forged blade. Before it's making the process for making swords was unrefined and could often as not result in misshapen sticks. Ensis was the union between two. The fee and human, fae did not forge and humans did not understand the natural elements like their brethren so when an alliance between the two was made at some point in the tribal wars near the Oasis the sword was forged between them to show a trust and their ability to work together. The swords making was a stipulation put forward, that required that fae and humans craft something that showed they could work together. The fae helped the humans melt a metal they called the 'The Wrathful Desire' (translated from the old words). The metal was and fire where beyond the human capability but the humans showed the fae the process of sword and other products and the fae fashioned with human help the sword called Ensis. Though it is said the fae did not keep to the original design complelty as some drawings of the sword do not seem to match its current image. Others say humans changed the sword after the fae had forged it. The truth is there are aspected of the sword neither race understand.


Ensis has been used to show power through the centuries. Claiming to have it has strengthen nations and torn them apart as others vie for its power. Many try to forge fakes.
'"To hold Ensis is to cow the enemy. But the truly brave who do not quake in fear of the mighty sword are the truly foolish. Then let us be fools who love our people and tonight let us face what has slain all ilk." King Kliten before his death, though not by the sword in question, as he speaks to his troops after finding out King Desdis was in possession of Ensis. It is said that the King was drunk after hearing the news and he didn't sober till the next morning when the battle began. A third of his army abandoned their post, they where executed by King Desdis when later captured. All the men who lived through the battle where allowed to live and go free. Desdis was quoted saying in response to King Kliten. "The only fool is the one who runs from the enemy when he faces loss. A sword is not a victory it is a tool that means something only in the face of strength." In demonstration King Desdis use the sword on all the executed to show it was no more than a tool he wielded, above no task.' -The Histories of Objects of Fear, Power, and Desire by Seeker Kie'rin
The sword has gained many named throughout the years and holders.  When in the hand of King Desdis, one of its more infamous handlers, it was called Fool's Bane. In the hand's of Empress Xexilia it was called Wrath Returned. Though it was never confirmed it was said to have once graced the hands of Maria herself though she never wielded it in battle, during her time it was called Inexicitus or the Unmovable Metal
Item type
Weapon, Other
Current Location
Current Holder
Only one in existence, part of a set of seven items.
Raw materials & Components
"The Wrathful Desire"- Nelis Er Suh or Demder as the humans call the metal, the fae don't use metal almost at all but when they do they use this metal, humans have never seen it in its raw form. There are plants imbedded in the sword but humans don't recognize them and the fae simply call them Ensis. Though the humans once thought this to be the blades name and used it as the word for sword often through the centuries its actually the name of the plant. These plants seem to put off a fain gleam. Other uses for the plant remain unknown and it also has never been found outside of Fae hands.  The fire used in the sword forgoing is called by the fae Solis Horis, the 'Children of Rape' referring to the forced conception of Mal's children Anz/Isb and Vac by Dam who shifted himself into fire in order to be with Mal. This is the name fae use for all fire, though they use other words for heat and the like complete unrelated. The fae think any fire used to make things is akin to this action of forced conception, and as in all things the flaw in creation show in its products. The use of swords among fae is non existent.
Unknown, the fae forged the sword in some matter that has never been duplicated by them or humans.


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